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By: chalojai | Posted: Jun 11, 2014 | The Art of Living | 1003 Views

By this time,you all must have known that I share a very good relationship with my mom-in-law. Unlike most Saas-bahu duo,we are friends from the beginning. She never considered me as a "Bahu",but from day 1,I was her daughter whom she wanted so much but didn't get till she met me. We share many things,even if she needs to badmouth about her hubby(LOL!) she does it without hesitation! And frankly speaking,I enjoy this part most,because she represents it in such a funny way,I just can't stop laughing at the end.

But today situation was a little different. She called me 2 days back which I couldn't receive. Today I got some free time,so decided to talk to her. She sounded quite tired and sad. I was instantly alarmed. Is anything wrong again? Honestly,I don't trust these two people,my mom and dad-in-law staying together,sharing the same house without having daily fights! Even I nicknamed them as Tom and Jerry,they are SOOOOOO prone to pull each other's leg at every single minute. Most of the time it lands both of them into trouble,fighting bitterly and not talking to each other for several days. I have faced this several times and finally I have to come in between to break the ice. But I also get irritated sometimes,till when these two aged people will fight like carefree teenagers and I always have to play the role of Spike in between? If it would come with age,when indifference about the other partner grows as the age progresses due to less physical abilities and people get concerned about their own health,then it was fine. But no,this is going on from day one of their marriage. The worst part is,their son,aka my hubby is also quite indifferent about his parents fighting,and most of the time gets irritated easily when he sees it. So,I can't even share the problem with him and can't stand my mom-in-law's tears also. So, what's the way out?

Today it started simply with an appointment with the doctor. Mom asked for money,dad declined and gave less. When she asked for more,he threw it to her sarcastically and said few words she couldn't take any more. When I called,she was in tears and was cursing herself for being alive. I also got irritated,what's the meaning of such behavior? I asked her, "Why do you ask him every time? Can't u tell me? I am there for you,then what's the use of asking him and getting humiliated?" She suddenly became very silent. When I was panicking,where did I go wrong this time,she replied very calmly, "Listen,it's not about asking you or HIM. I can ask you or my son anytime for anything. I don't mind. But for this fellow,I spent my entire life serving his parents,him,his son and now at the old age also I am running the machinery of his family. Don't I deserve anything in return? Leave alone any special gift or a jewelry, till now he hasn't given me anything. Moreover when it is the need of this family,I have asked and got humiliated for ASKING! Why he's so self-centered? It's HIS duty to take care of mine at this old age. If he fails to do that much also,I have no intention to live like this."

Well,it's my turn to think. It is the duty for every person to take care of his/her partner,especially at the old age. When you are young,at least the physical abilities will keep you running,even if the other one is not-so-caring. But when your own body starts betraying,you need a support. At least from the person who was at your side from the days of your youth. You served him/her, the family,the kids and entire world,now it's your turn to get the care and affection back. If that's not present,it really hurts. Why do people fail to reciprocate the love and care,especially at old age? One reason I have found out. When the known world seems to lose its charm and colors, food tastes bland,all the sensory organs seem not so responsive,suddenly a desire sparks up to revive the golden days. That makes a person quite self-centered,in that world of the selfish giant named "desire to live fully" there is no place of emotions called love,care,tolerance and support. Right now,dad is in the grasp of that monster.

Is there any way out? Oh,yes! When else will Chalojai the monster slayer will be useful? To give the monster a good "complex", I am planning to bring mom to our place for a couple of months! Both of them will get some free space to breath in this way. Dad will miss his comfort,then he will realize how much mom was there in his life. And I will create a situation that from now onward,I will be needing mom frequently.hello dad,do you have any answer to that? You don't trust anybody with the family responsibilities,I already know that weakness of yours! So? You have to realize mom's value,or else,stay alone and cook and clean yourself! Serves you right!

Psst.I hope dad doesn't read this,or else Tom and Jerry will fight more vigorously and I have to buy a real dog mask to bark at them this time! Dad can't read letters on the screen, that's the only good point!

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