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By: chalojai | Posted: Mar 31, 2014 | My Experiences | 962 Views

Like any other weekday,I was busy in the office on that particular day. A week back, our institute had a PR program in a nearby apartment. As a result,we got few inquiries regarding our courses. This particular call was not an exception too. Quite mechanically I accepted it and fixed an interview in the afternoon. Little I knew that those 30 minutes are going to alter the course of my life!

When the parents walked in,till then it was like any other Parent Orientation program. But within next 60 seconds,I understood exactly why they are there! The child was something like I never experienced in my professional career. From the moment he entered,he was talking almost non-stop. Within a minute,he calculated the total number of gadgets in the room and mentioned all their brands! His parents were embarrassed, they expressed that to control this child's hyperactive nature only they brought him here. By the time I gave them a brief overview of our course,the child was running around. It was very difficult to make him sit and what he was talking about was also not quite understandable.This was the best reason to reject the admission,but as I had very few students in my batch I wanted to give it a try.

Immediately I understood,I have to take some measures to control him,or else I am never going to get the chance. My boss was around,somehow he took this child's diagnostic test for both Maths and English. I was stunned to see the result,compared to any so called "normal" child his IQ and abilities were very high.The parents enrolled him immediately and from next week the classes started for him.

The first class was a complete disaster! Leave alone studying,making him sit on a chair itself was out of question! He was not listening to any assistant present in the centre. Then I sprang to action. I put a hand on his back and looked into his eyes. To my surprise,he stared at me for a long time without moving a single limb. Then he took the work,scrutinized the contents once and next moment,started reading by himself! I never expected this,but didn't interrupt him. Within 4 minutes the portion got over,at least 3 times faster than anybody else. Then came the pencil skills. Some changes I instructed,rest of the things he did by himself,just looking at how other kids are doing! After he left.all horrified staff members gathered around and expressed, when this child is around,nobody will come near from next class. They also said,it's not possible to make him learn anything. I understood,this is going to be my own battle and for the sake of this child I have to fight.

From that day onward, I started observing him keenly. How he talks,how he behaves towards certain instructions and situations, what makes him work faster- everything I started to note down. Even his eye movements, signs of disrupted concentration, signs of irritations and lack of motivation,nothing was missed from that observation.I used to call him at the hour when nobody else was present in the centre, this contributed a lot to curb his distractions. One thing I noticed,if I make him sit for first few minutes,then he becomes quite and completes work independently. Based on that,I deigned his entire study plan.Necessary practise was given so that whatever he learns,he learns concretely without getting bored. To him,this was another important milestone.

He joined in September,and by December there was an obvious change in him. Unlike any other child,his progress was very fast and steady. For every level,he did very well in the test and took generally less time than others. His parents couldn't believe when they saw his performance chart! He is doing his work regularly,this was the pleasant surprise itself. But when one day he sent them out of his room saying, "I want to complete my work now"- they were almost overwhelmed.

Many ups and downs in my professional career occurred during his stay,many time it was so bad that I thought of leaving the job. But I had his responsibility,I could not quit. We have a felicitation program,kids who study beyond their class grades get awards. I set a target for this child,he has to complete till at least 6 months beyond his class grade! Whoever heard this,either gaped at me or commented,as a result of being with him I am also loosing my mind!I didn't care,I knew what WE are going to do. I tried to keep him focused and paid keen attention to his each new skill development.

Finally,the dedication and his willingness paid. Today,while reviewing the list of award winners, I couldn't control my tears when I saw his name in the list! At last! After being humiliated several times by my colleagues for paying him special attention,for thinking so much about his progress,for maintaining such detailed notes(they called it "gadha majdoori")! I felt like being top of this world.

How did he react in this entire journey? From day one,after that eye contact,some kind of bond grew between two of us. He started believing me from that very moment. I saw previously,if I am not around his eyes keep searching for me. Whenever he comes to the centre he comes running to meet me. Now he is independent, controlled and well behaved enough for any other institute but his parents decided to keep him here,just because of me.They said,their son believes, "Ma'am" will be always there whenever he needs her! This is my greatest achievement, I don't need anything more!

This success story created great sensation among people in his apartment and school,as a result inquires and enrolments flooded in. Now I have a huge batch size for which I can't take any more students! I started with him only and finally the effort brought me the result. I was a subject teacher before, he made me a teacher for kids. The touchstone turned me into a sensible person,above all.

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