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By: Sidz_B | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 | Contests | 2161 Views (Updated Oct 19, 2010)

Its been a while since we had some fun on MS. New faces, new members, and probably a lot of them don't even know how much fun we can have here on MS. So, how about a Contest? I have some points, and so lets play a new Game.

The other day, I saw two awesome posts by @cyrax (The Rajni Craze part 1 and 2) about The traits of Rajinikanth. We love the star, And so with the memory of Robot and the not so distant Sivaji afresh in our minds, Lets play a new game where we have to come up with new powers and abilities of AngelaMnth.

Old new, whatever comes to your mind. It can be copied too, taken from somewhere, heard from someone, but only original, never heard before ones get prizes!

Make em funny and interesting. The best three original entries would get prizes worth 1000, 750 and 500 MS Points. Consolation prizes could also be on the cards, so hop on!

Here Let me quote a few Examples -

First my favourite one - AngelaMnths Gmail account -

Some Originals that I came up with -

1) AngelaMnth once deposited some of his money in World bank, Coz of the ineterest he gets, India has now no Debt from World Bank! :)

2) Edison invented the Light Bulb, because god told him that AngelaMnth doesnt like being in the dark!

3) Facebook was initially called bodybook, AngelaMnth wasnt happy with the look and feel, so, he kicked the server and only Facebook was left! :)

4) AngelaMnth was hired by Complan to stretch the children who even after drinking complan "Dugni tezi se nahi badhte" (dont grow up twice as fast) :P

5) AngelaMnth can w-RAP Eminem! :P

6) The Box Office starts Collecting only after AngelaMnth says GO! :)

I'll keep the contest open for 3 days, But may be extended on Popular Demand! :-)

So, Put on your thinking caps, gear up and lets play Kaun Banega CroreMSPoint-Pati, Rajni Isstyle!! Mind It! :)

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