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By: Sidz_B | Posted: Oct 25, 2010 | Contests | 1194 Views

After an overwhelming response to "The Rajini Game", The contest comes to an end.

Everyone got to know the hidden talents of the MS members. Some hilarious non-original entries, some amazing ideas, some different entries, a lot of original entries and a ton of Fun.

After a long time, we had so much fun here on MS. Not as grand as I would have expected, because I have seen even more fun and masti here, but nonetheless, amazing stuff.

Out of so many entries, its pretty hard to point out only 3 winners. And as with most of my previous contests, I am going to give away cosolation prizes to all participants! :)

Lets see the winners -

First prize - @Pranay22 for his amazingly creative original ideas -

1) Once Facebook and Orkut decided to be friends.. to send each other friend requests, they logged on to AngelaMnt!!

2) AngelaMnt’s status on MouthShut_Official:

Reviews written : 100

ROTDs : 200 !

those were amazing!!! :-)

Second Prize -

Who else but @Viratbond for his - "Stairway to Heaven – Rajini (original) version"

(Cant post it here for the lack of space, you can check it out here -

Third Prize - A tie between -

Rajni participates for the swimming freestyle and wins all the three medals! How? He swims so fast to beat all the swimmers three times... by @dinzaach82


Ya RAJNI sarvabhuteshu ... by @sayanti.das

Congratulations to all the winners. Prizes coming your way soon! :)

Thanks for making this contest so much fun!

Thanks everyone! :)


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