My roots grip all lands;
My seeds sprout everywhere.
In all lands I am welcome;
A guest who resides forever.
I have traversed many realms,
Established my right to exist.
In every clime and every land
Hospitable to me and my siblings.
Everywhere I perform my duty
Providing green cover and beauty.
Spreading fragrance and new color,
Enchant and revive flagging spirits.
I have no caste or silly affiliations,
I delight one and all universally.
Fond lovers and cruel vandals alike
Find me useful to their purposes.
Living longer than those that tend me,
I have uses beyond my life span.
I become many things you need in life;
Furniture, homes, curios, fuel and else
If you live like me without prejudices
You shall espy life is really beautiful;
Shall when you depart to be interred
Leave traces of sweetness for eternity.