Unilever Scam also known as Hindustan Lever LTD.
The Biggest Scammer of the century Award goes to UniLever CompanyWhy this Company is Scam?
Deceptive advertising, deceptive product namesReason 1. Naming strategy used by UniLever. Changes its name to same country (As they sell products in almost every country) to deceive people that so people think that they are buying product of their own country.
Company Name:UNILEVER
Changes Names to deceive:Hindustan Lever Pvt. Ltd.
Way they added (”Hindustan” the Patriotic name of India which is known by almost every Indian) to deceive a buyer giving false impression of a India Owned Company.Reason 2. This company sells products by showing Dreams come true ads and hides the products ingredients information to increase the sales. THEY CAN GO TO ANY EXTENT TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS EVEN THEY HAVE TO EMOTIONALLY BLACKMAIL INNOCENT PEOPLE.
Example 1:
Product : Fair & Lovely
Scam of selling skin creams with false dreams: To make people’ skin white SCAM going on in Asian countries like India, Pakistan and other countries where people are have dark skin ( Unilever loves to make money from these poor countries where people are dying of hunger they wanna sell beauty creams by showing their fancy advertisement (which are made by same fellow citizens of the same country where this cream will be sold). What a Brave big Unilever Company is who plays with poor people’s emotions and take their hard earned money by selling bad products.
Why they do it:To make billions of dollars by taking advantage of the emotions and giving them products which don’t work at all.
“One guy used Fair & Lovely cream on his buffalo’s for four years to make buffalo skin white. But not a single inch of buffalo’s skin got whiter. “
They Hide the facts from their Product ingredients
Example 1:
Product :Toothpastes
Scam of selling flesh & Bones to Vegetarians:Toothpaste contain animal bones power which was never written on the product ingredients. They hid the fact so Vegetarian people never come to know this that the paste they use to clean their mouth in the morning, contains flesh and bones of animals.
Why the did it:They did not want to loose the customers who were Vegetarians.
Example 2:
Product :AXE Effect
Claim in the Advertisement: It gets you more
Scam of selling dream with bottle of harmful chemicals: AXE Effect, so you know what I am talking about. This DEO is very popular with young people. The advertisment shows a unattractive guy who use AXE Effect and he gets girl or girls. I tried it and I never got any girl.
Why Thy the did it: To sell product by showing a dream to males that they can have girls by using their DEO body spray which does not really work. To make money of man’s weakness of woman.
Trust me to get a woman you want you will need more than AXE effect or Any other deo. Work hard and be successful in your life then woman will follow you and you will not have to use this cheap trick to attract a woman( which only works in TV commercial)
Example 3:
Product :Soaps
Scam of selling animal fat & flesh to Vegetarians: Soaps unilever sells contain animal fat and flesh which was never written on the product ingredients. Intentionally hid the fact so Vegetarian people never come to know this that the soap they use to clean their body contains flesh and fat of animals.
Why the did it: They did not want to loose the cutomers who were Vegetarians.
Other Thoughts
This company takes over any good product in the market and want to have monoply in the world and make their profits more by keeping product costs low and taking the JOBS away from poor people.
Work To Be Done
Don’t buy UniLever Products
Government of each country should ban this company, as UniLever extract large amount of country wealth by selling goods which are unhealthy and do not work what they claim.
Big Store should give chance to poor people by giving them employment to make better products which are healthy and really work.
Owner of Unilever should be in jail so this scam could be stopped and poor people start having business and work of making organic products which are good and environment friendly.