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By: noidandlsdharma97 | Posted: Jun 08, 2014 | General | 645 Views

Haryana is considered to be among the rich states of the country. It is mainly because of the hardworking nature of it’s people. But unfortunately Haryana is also earning a bad name because of the increase in the incidents of crime. Today common man feels threatened because of the increase in crime. The anti social elements are having a free run in the state and the peace loving people of Haryana are at the receiving end. Today the police of Haryana have failed miserably to provide safety and security to the people of Haryana. People have lost the confidence in police and police is unable to instill this confidence back in people. The worst suffers are the people from economically weaker sections as there voice is never heard. If a person of lower economic status goes to a police station to get his complaint registered, he is sent back.

The deteriorating situation of law and order is one of the reason due to which Venod Sharma left the government and the party. Leaders like Venod Sharma consistently raised voice against the deteriorating law and order situation in his own government, but after finding that the government is not concerned about it, he submitted his resignation.

Venod Sharma is a fighter and he is the only leader in Haryana who has raised his voice against the ineffective police of the state without fearing for the consequences. Venod ji has started a movement against the ineffective policing of the state and more and more people are joining him in this. For the millions of people of Haryana, Venod Sharma is the only person who can bring about a change in the system and will make the police accountable to the common man.

Tags :
venod, sharma, Vinod, haryana, politics
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