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By: pranay22 | Posted: Mar 14, 2013 | General | 740 Views

My dangling-into-the-urban-wild existence is a mere testimony of the fact that I enjoy being a part of the crowd that has camouflaged itself with the larger one to fit in within what the society demands of its elements -- all included. Everyone lives a surreal dream here. Dabbling with a meagre, challenging-the-conscious routine that demands nothing from them requiring introspection. Even as I pen these words, I am consciously aware of the materialstic things around me that has made me a slave akin to worshipping all the trivialties of life, which if we look at from an "evolving" perspective make no difference to the natural flow of human life that ought to be. I continue to blabber, and at the end I realize there was no compulsion that drove me to write this unnnecessary, gratituitous piece, except that I just needed to hone my writing skills, that havent been practised in a while.

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