Well those who might have noticed the PR of this blog disappear must have guessed that I’ve been working on a new blog, no wonder I haven’t really updated this one since ages. So, what has been keeping me away from blogging?
Well, there have been lot of exciting developments at Webfosys Networks over past 6 months, and honestly, I’ve started neglecting blogging and Adsense revenues because our mainstream business has been generating quite a good amount, and I’m already slogging 18+ hours a day(and I’m writing this post at 3:45 am after having finished my regular work somehow!).
I’m planning to launch an NGO, Training Institute, and an Automotive Accessories cum Used Car portal pretty soon, and I’ve been working on around a dozen other projects that have actually kept me packed day-in and day-out.
Oh, by the way, we’ve just recruited a new sales manager couple of months ago, who has been kinda’ keeping me all the busier with all the follow-ups, and he doesn’t even let me go home until we finish all the calls!:p(Oops I just realized I need to send another followup mail to a client! yeah now you ask – who’s the boss!)
But, I’d like to apologize to my loyal readers about being unable to blog regularly, but I’d soon be moving this over to a new domain o-m.co:)