Hi All,
Its car time and we know that the Aam aadmis car - Nano is all set to hit the Indian roads in sometime from now. The booking has started and people are standing in queues to get their dream car on road at the next available opportunity. But hey, I just thought are we ready for such a tsunami of cars on Indian Roads? I am not against Nano or against the Govt, just a thought crippled today when I was driving on busy JM Road - Pune. Already, the traffic is heavy during the peak hours with all of us using them more or less at the same time. If we add few thousands to them then? or if added some Lakhs to already existing then?
Ratan Tata promised a Lakh Takia and as a man of word he is going to deliver the first one lakh cars @ Rs.100000/- For this people have to buy a form for Rs.300 ie atleast 3 crores in pocket already and many more are the queue.... a person who was planning a two wheeler is thinking of having a car and that he can take his family together.Even my Dad has said that he wants a Nano @ Kolhapur for his day to day routine work. Are Bhai sirf 1.5 lakh kee hee toh hai ?
Assuming that at least 50 lakhs model will be sold, so are we ready to take on this huge figure on the Indian roads? Not to forget that its not only Nano coming our way, its Bajaj too joining the party next year and then Ford and all are coming to this market, then what? Again, its the normal addition of cars and bikes + Nano. the routine car buyers are surely going for sedans etc and the people who were in the array of having bikes will have a Nano and a bike too, say a bike when I am single and car when all have to mingle.
To sum it all here are some disadvantages of becoming Nano country.
Tsunami of vehicles on the road - huge no of cars on the road
More no means more pollution
High consumption of fuels.
Higher traffic jams
Parking problems
I am not counting the advantages of this tiny beautiful car, since we all know how good it is and that is shall help the aam aadmi a lot. I just want to highlight some point which I think the government has to seriously sort out the answers for before its too late...... Till then welcome Nano..........
Let your comments pour in......