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Member Since:Oct 11, 2006
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Average food ...very costly...not worth
Reviewed 6 Ballygunge Place - Indiranagar - Bangalore
Food was average but extrmly expensive and not worth .teh ambience is not good and quanitiy is pathetic .heared much about ilish macher paturi.but Rs 255 for Read more...
Good bike ...a comparison
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
To be frank their is very minute differnece between Unicorn , Pulsar , CBZ and Fiero .U can buy any one . Most important is which one appeals u more . There iRead more...
Superb phone ...comparative study
Reviewed Nokia N73
This is my 5th phone and second nokia phone .I will try to give an honest feedback along with comparative study with other phones assuming the user to be a laRead more...
Superb !!! Go and buy it !! Dont think even twice
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K750I
Well after using for approx six months .....obviously my review got some maturaity and people are prone to find some faults :) ..... I wont give it five starRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on hellowrong's review
Commented on singhal.paras's review
Thanks buddy for the review. Now onward I will think twice before opting for such offers.
Rated on singhal.paras's review
Rated on manishchhetri's review
Rated on maaz_nawaz's review
Commented on own review
i don't have any site...plz visit the list of sites i mentioned an dsearch for the model
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