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Member Since:Aug 17, 2009
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After 6000kms
Reviewed Honda CBF Stunner 125
Well Guys, I am back after 6000kms and 3 servicing. Â The bike has almost become a part of me. Anywhere I go, my bike is with me.After so many kms I noticed foRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on ilovemycaliber's review
try to be original.... u r making no help by copying review & that also mine..
Commented on own review
go with Honda. I wud suggest go for Unicorn. But Stunner is also good. Don't go for XCD this model has already felt a setback earlier.. Too light bike and bajaj engines are famous for making trouble after a year.
@ ahmednerekar Thanks for the suggestions. 2nd and 3rd point i do really care and found a 1.5 Inch pin in my rear tyre [:)] for the 1st point I really didn't knew so much. though i use chock for cold start but wud speed up as soon as the engine fires up. The hissing sound is really bad. I found o Read More...
No body wants to say bad about therepurchased goods. I too feel that. But problems are problems. It cannot be looked out. With many other stunners I have saw that the sound is not there may be its for my bike only. Handle stiffness is definately there. One can go for this bike provided he is not a r Read More...
Looks and the Name Honda made me to buy this bike. I am still optimistic about its performance improvement after few servicing. If the stiffness and end engine sound gets cured it will be a wonderfull bike to ride.
Commented on ahmednerekar's review
Does ur bike engine makes a gurgling sound at higher speeds?
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