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Member Since:Mar 15, 2009
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Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator
I thought yam was dead, but now I know after the launch of new bikes like r15-yz16, ppl have started noticing them, look at me. I never looked back at the yaRead more...
Looks greate
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
I am not into techinical level, dont wanna know whats horse power or whats the new term used these days NM, Am die hard fan of yamaha but I had a shogun durinRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sam9s's review
hey sam you got me wrong,i just say you are just all praise for the bike,it seems you like it lot,any ways have nice discussion,i love suzuki as u do,i could not own a yam coz my dad thought it was to fast for crazy guy like me,so i told him i would buy a suzuki samuria but i got shogun and told him Read More...
I want some thing fast,powerful and light with toe-heel gear shift and kick starter,looks dont matter,nor price,nor avg,just get the blood rush thats all i want
salaam,plz advise i had a look at yamaha glad 125cc of course,which is lighter, iwant something which reminds me of my collage day of RX,shogun,sure 4 stroke bikes dont perform like 2S, but still some thing light as i am heavy side now about 80kg what you gurus say,shoul i go for FZ16,GS,galdi
Rated on vishnu_1989's review
Commented on vishnu_1989's review
good review,looks like the guy is in love with uni,come on u need to taste ''DHAAL' after every day beryani after all we are indians,we can eat bread and butter every day,so RTR is fun,fz16 is pure joy in city,uni is boring like our wifes same old stuff every day,take a break and look for a change b Read More...
Commented on rangasubhe12466's review
Quite Intresting,Tell us someting more buddy,we know suzuki is good but with this one we dont thing suzu has hit the nail on the head like the yamaha did with the fz16,may be gsr150 is a underdog which will perform only during semi finals and finals,who know,fz16 without kick,gs150r with both and 6 Read More...
Commented on own review
Ah, i am quite suprised with good sug,tnak you all bikers. i like suzuki and i know they are better than HH,Honda. but this is not their best time in india, i think i will go for FZ16.. ahh will the engine get damaged if i drive it >80km initially, i dont think i have time for waiting for engine Read More...
Commented on sun1985's review
hey is the bike heavy to handel, and how much will it cost to do an engine overhaul if i happen to ride it at 100kmh straight form the show room,coz i just have 50 days in india, i need a new bike to just rip it for few days. milage not a issue,just good pickup,no stunts just speed to streach my ch Read More...
hey guys i know it may be a wrong place to ask for advice, but didnt find a better place.kindly advice, is the bike light and how is the service network in karnataka,hubli
Commented on aaabolobolo's review
hi every body i am not into techinical level,dont wanna know whats horse power or whats the new term used these days NM, am die hard fan of yamaha but i had a shogun during my fun days with chicks(gf's). always wanted to have a yamaha but i had shogun may be 3rd-4th hand,engine was like roring Read More...
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