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Member Since:Feb 17, 2009
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600Kms done and Rocking
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
I have completed 600 kms on ma new GS 150R.Initially(For first 50 kms)i thought gears are very hard as I was using that long TOE HEEL SHIFTER. Now gears are bRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on nikhilmkrishnan's review
Rated on sameershiraj's review
Rated on kripscorp's review
Commented on eshwar_1989's review
Mr. Eeshwar, U touch 0-60 in 4.5 secs and expect the bike to give a mileage of 60 or 70 is it? As u increse gears, RPM will become less and mileage will be more. BTW, what mileage r u getting? 25 or 35? I am getting 50-52 and even i drive fast. But u r an amazing driver dude.... U have a lot Read More...
Rated on rangasubhe12466's review
Rated on preethven's review
Commented on preethven's review
Dude No dealer will get it repaired. U must have gone to SALORA INTERNATIONAL OR ACCEL FRONTLINE for the repalcement. They will replace it without any issue. u must and MUST go to those two only as they are authorized serivce centres.....U must have got a machine which was a MANUFACTURING DEFE Read More...
Rated on praki73's review
Rated on ayub_007's review
Commented on ayub_007's review
no comments at alllllll :( This isnt a review on GS 150 :(
Commented on own review
Hey ayub, You can opt FZ instead....And it isnt heavy as it feels too light while driving.
Rated on sagiFZ16's review
Rated on yash2887's review
Commented on harishkulks's review
Good review. CONS are more tha PROS but its very nice. Non-availability of Crash guard is the major dis advantage and also the number plate which looks awkward when put on headlights(Is that the only place available?)Pillion seat is onlt for children(LOL) My friend suffered from a serious p Read More...
Rated on sam9s's review
Rated on vikred's review
Rated on aaabolobolo's review
Commented on aaabolobolo's review
quality of plastic and fuel tank is a bit cheap- How can u justify this??? Not a good review. Add the PROS if u know.....
Rated on drbaburaj's review
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