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Member Since:Oct 24, 2009
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Mr.Masood's arrest and further developments
Reviewed City Limouzines
In yesterdays(5.02.2010) DNA news paper the arrest of Mr.Masood, Chaiman and Ms. Seema has been reported. The investors now should stake their claims Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Rizwanahmed1969's review
If the statement of Elector2014 is true and correct that Mr.Manioharji is city Limouzine's person, Mr. Manoharji should in unequivocal terms should condemn the statement.
Commented on khan832's review
Riyaz investor writes from Mysore All Regional Directors from different cities including Mr.Azeez Khan Regional Director from Bangalore is equally responsible for all the sufferings of investors. Only GOD should save the investors.
Commented on nanda30's review
Riyaz writes from Mysore Mr.Nandakumar, Shri Guru, Shri Suresh, Shri Sharma and other investors have taken lot of pain in organising Bangalore meetings. Since Mr Masood of City is taking all the investors for a ride by filing one petition after the other petition in different courts and buying ti Read More...
Commented on zulfiqar1971's review
Riyaz writes from Mysore The information and data provided by Mr.Zulfiqar is more relevant and important. The legal luminaries like Me.Zulfiqar and Mr.Perumal may provide us the necessary inputs so that the investors should not loose their invested money.
Rated on khan832's review
Riyaz writes from Mysore We all support Mr.Kaleemulla Khan not 100% but 200%. The investors want immediate relief and their money back. I hop Khan saheb will do something in this regard. Investors are getting disturbing signals from the comments. Mr.Khan should also arrange for a message from Mr.Ma Read More...
Commented on v.guruprasad1981's review
The Hyderabad investors who met on 8.11.09 may advise the other place investors abouty their decision on city limouzine
Riyaz writes from Mysore All the investors of City group should take an uniform decision in organising a rally in one of the important cities of India so that the Govt. and the concerned authorities will come to know of the sufferings of the investors and thereby requesting the authorities to sol Read More...
Commented on KRANTIKIRAN's review
Riyaz from Mysore writes: Whatever news that appears in Papers of Mumbai about City Limouzines/City Realcom, the same should be shared by our investors brothers of Mumbai with all other investors. The developments are first come across at Mumbai and hence it is my heart felt appeal to Mumbai invest Read More...
Commented on imaginations71's review
The person in charge of Bangalore office is Mr.Azeez Khan. The investors should call him up to give clear picture as to what is happening at Mumbai office. Riyaz from Mysore
The investors meet at Bangalore on 25.10.09 should take a firm view for future action as all the investors have been deceived by City Realcom/City Limouzines. An investor from Mysore
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