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Member Since:Apr 23, 2017
460 MS Points
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Angel broking services review
Reviewed Angel One
I am one of the user of angel broking services.i am usng this services from around 1 years now.till now its going good and not faced some big problems. But oRead more...
Yahoo messenger review
Reviewed Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo messenger app was one of the most useful app ever and I used it in most of the times. But the new update a year or two age made it a bad app to use it.Read more...
Gmail mobile app review
Reviewed Gmail
Gmail mobile app is an app which help us to send and recieve online messages and also video and audio and other file formats. Its very useful now a days as iRead more...
Mcafree internet security review
Reviewed McAfee Internet Security
Macfree security software helps us in virus scan and other harmfull online program. Good part of this software is its helps in getting virus dete ted and worRead more...
Sachin movie review
Reviewed Sachin
Sachin movie is based on one of the icon sportsman in indian history.it is based on sachin ramesh tendulkar. Plot of the movie is biography of sachin tendulkRead more...
Truecaller app review
Reviewed Truecaller
Truecaller app is an app that help people to find name and other important contact information of the caller to your phone number. Using it for a year now anRead more...
Dana pani restaurant review
Reviewed Sethia's Dana Pani - Shyam Nagar - Jaipur
Dana pani is situated near my home.gone there many time for dinner. It is situated on main road of janpath shyam nagar and nice location in jaipur. Mostly aRead more...
Whatsapp review
Reviewed WhatsApp
Well, using this app for a long time.one of the nicest app for text message, video message and voice message. App size is some what big but still it has veryRead more...
Uc mini browser app review
Reviewed UC Browser Mini
Uc browser mini is a browser for phone that is available on android app. I am using this browser for over 1 year now. I am uning this browser as my ram of mRead more...
YouTube website review
Reviewed Youtube
Youtube website is a webite in which you can upload long videos and view videos of long length. I am using this website now for almost 1 years and most I didRead more...
Desidime review
Reviewed Desidime
Desidime is an online platform where people can find some of the nice online deal available on line. More the 100 deals come up daily and other things also lRead more...
Hotstar app review
Reviewed Hotstar
Just watching the india vs bangladesh cricket warm up match on hotstar app. There are live star sports matches, programs which are linked with hotstar and alRead more...
Dell inspiron n5050 review
Reviewed Dell Inspiron N5050
I am using this laptop for around 3 years now.in the beginning, I thought , I wold be a best buy for mw at that time but some technical problem like window coRead more...
Schindler's list movie review
Reviewed Schindler's List
One of the greatest movie I ever saw based on war. It is based on a real story. Schindler, a business who live in germany and he saved too many jew lifes byRead more...
Tintin hollywood movie review
Reviewed The Adventures of Tintin The Secret of the Unicorn
Tintin movie is a 3d movie based on the character of tintin.tintin saw a boat model qne buyed it from market.in it, he got the map of some secret place.one moRead more...
Twitter app and website review
Reviewed Twitter
One of the best social media app and website till the time.use it for more than 5 hours a day daily.one of the best feature of this app is trending which helpRead more...
Saving private ryan movie review
Reviewed Saving Private Ryan
One of the most popular and one of the best movie on war.the plot of the movie is to save private ryan who lost all his 4 brothers in world war 2.government oRead more...
Andaaz apna apna movie review
Reviewed Andaz Apna Apna
I saw this movie years ago for the first time and I have seen this movie for more than 15 times and it always make me smile for the comedy it has. Its a storRead more...
ISmart hero bike review
Reviewed Hero Splendor iSmart 110
I am using this bike for over 2 years now.a very good looking bike with price not too high and not two low.milage of this bike is decent that is 75kmpl now anRead more...
Maruti 800
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800 Std BSIII
I have this car for almost 15 years now.it is one of the best car for lower middler class to buy.space wise it is average.leg space is ok and back leg seat spRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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