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Member Since:Apr 05, 2004
0 MS Points
. Biking, Hacking (The Digital, harmless Kind ;-) ) Music and Everything Exciting - Basically Technologies of all kinds.
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Education: Engineering, CS
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Discover Vs Wind125
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 100
This review aims to provide greater insight into what discover means and how this bike compares to the existing and pipelined models from other manufacturers.Read more...
Gale, Breeze and Lightning
Reviewed Bajaj Wind 125
Gale, Breeze and Lightning Being a first experience report as this is, please do expect some amount of enthusiasm regarding the performance of the vehicle, bRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed mukeshpai
Followed shathanand.k
Commented on dulan_suraweera's review
I understand that being a proud owner of the new Discover, you tend to be a little optimistic about the bike's characteristics... Nothing wrong with that; So was I. But then, when you start inferring incorrectly, based on optimism, it doesn't augur well for the readers who come by your article. F Read More...
Commented on own review
The data on Dulan's article does make a point that the Discover delivers better mileage than the Wind. Point noted ;-) Yes, it does... But its my personal opinion that this is not achieved by a large extent from the technology they call DTSi. It is achieved because of the re-designed squish cham Read More...
Hey man, Thanks for the comments. I get about 55-65 depending upon the speed I drive. Most of the time, it comes to 60... But I dont use the premium segmen petrol. I use the standard 83 octane fuel. Talking about rattling.. Yes, it does when you just about reach 60. But when you smooth the thrott Read More...
Followed arvind_raman
Commented on arvind_raman's review
What a load of crap, posting comments overheard from the junta while sweating on a crowded bus, attempting to muzzle on what to post at mouthshut when iget back home... Ok, it does have s/w problems; but which phone doesn't? IF I figure correctly, even the 6610 has its fair share of bugs. So doe Read More...
Yeah dude ntomer, you got it smack on - sour grapes is the case. But then, the next best thing to indian roads does accelerate and rev-up slower than the grand old lady of 125s. It neither does outshine the wind by a respectable margin. Thirdly, I never said the discover was bad, its great, but the Read More...
Followed mnc123
Rated on vbhor's review
Commented on maddyacker's review
I loved your review dude. really, these dealers are like, so frightened... I had the same experience... Anyway, is the 4th gear good for 60km/h constantly, on a long trip? will it get heated up bad? and hows the torque? better than the wind? Iagree that bajaj should give it a tacho at least, even on Read More...
Thanks dudes, for commenting.. I tried to put this in the wind category, but it only allowed me to overwrite the current review I have there. I wanted to compare these two bikes side by side and so, thought this section wont have much problems accepting this review... sorry dudes, still, hope you l Read More...
Commented on mnc123's review
with both your writing style and the wind, as you aptly put it... see, the better chassis is cuz of the box-section-arm, the shocks are pulsar derived and looks too. DTS-i cant do much in this small a cyl, and the exhaust in the wind has SAI, which is as advanced as the discover's (without the fancy Read More...
Commented on trinadmv's review
no, i asked the local RO and they said that they'll continue producing the two models, but dont expect them to sell like the discover will... thats all, no worries for service at least for the next 3 years
Commented on revdon's review
no such problem, but it does hang and te dictinary corrupts sometimes though. nothing that a 'reset to factory settings' wont fix... ;-)
Commented on naturelover76's review
This is the stuff that movies like FnF and games like NFS are made up of. careful about things like this, you'll never know when a director comes along these pages and plagiarises your idea :-) copyright!!!
Rated on naturelover76's review
Followed naturelover76
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