Nikon coolpix S5300 how many memory card use for extend
Mar 09, 2023
By: vaswatbhattachary
1 Answers
A memory card is not included with the camera. Nikon Coolpix S5300 Digital Camera is compatible with 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards.
Mar 10, 2023
By: VermaPooja
is better video quality for short film shoot? also indoor shoot?
Dec 11, 2016
By: asokanb4
Good quality of lenses and excellent battery life that lasts for very long time. Excellent picture quality at this price range nice camera.
Hi, Willing to get this camera. Is there any supplier with stock and contacts details available? Reach me at :
Nov 10, 2015
By: rameshbkk63
Interesting I also dont know the answer please anyone want to help to find the answer?
How is the life of the Li Ion Battery of S3100 Coolpix (2011 November Purchase ) ?
May 08, 2012
By: kingkumar07
"Still Capture, (CIPA standard) 230 shots The typical estimated life of a Lithium-Ion battery is about two to three years or 300 to 500 charge cycles."
Nikon Coolpix S4
Jan 03, 2006
By: rvtamhankar
0 Answers
The Coolpix S4 is a brand of digital camera produced by Nikon. The Coolpix S4 has the Sport composite feature, which takes 16 frames in a little over two seconds. The frames are awfully small.
I want review on Nikon Coolpic 5900. Thanks
Nov 11, 2005
By: kodaigopal
I want the review on Tata Indigo Marina Commercial
Oct 22, 2005
By: ksb123
what u all say
Dec 08, 2004
By: amsd016
Nikon Coolpix 3200
Sep 10, 2004
By: rohitmathew
i want to collect some info in a table about dig cams and scanners
Jul 21, 2004
By: bongazoro2