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Member Since:Jan 16, 2008
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Cardiac only care - What about others?
Reviewed Frontier Lifeline Hospital - Mogappair - Chennai
We had to admit our father to this hospital recently on emergency basis.  I must say that the hospital doctors have taken immediate steps in the emergency andRead more...
My Sad & worst experience at this hospital
Reviewed Lifeline hospital - Kilpauk - Chennai
Lost my sister in this hospital, for no compelling reasons. She went there for a Laporspoic surgery to correct her Ventral hernia. It is supposed to be a verRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on harshaana's review
Second opinion!!! Second Opinion!!! if not Thrid opinion!!!! ALWAYS A MUST when dealing with Medical Care in India. (Hard lessons learnt in life) Whenever u have anything diagnosed and gave negative results, always always go for second opinion, and still thrid opinion. In ur case, you should h Read More...
Commented on Serenegold's review
Serenegold... Good luck to you!!!... Most of these kind of hospitals in India give good care and careful treatment to International patients, as they get very good money from them by charging premium and also scared of any actions from USA/UK, if they mistreat. So they are careful with Internatio Read More...
Rated on Serenegold's review
Commented on cbsplanet's review
cbsplanet, could u pls tell me where you bought this 'factory unlocked' in India?
hi, great to know iphone 3Gs is good. I'm also planning to replace my E71. But where can I get the 'Factory Unlocked' Phone in India? How are you sure that what u bought is 'Factory unlocked'?
Commented on smarty80in's review
Hi smarty, could you pls eloborate your expereience, like what was your problem and what was lifeline's response and how to solved ur medical condition in another hospital, so it will help the people around the world stay away from the evil hands of lifeline hosptial. regds, chennaiboy ( a vi Read More...
Commented on deeksha_dembla's review
mayank, you must write your experience and rip off the masks of the greedy ones.. Instead of making propaganda with ’’so called’’ reviewers, these people has to be humane and do the service to the mankind for which they have studied..
Rated on mahmedpbt's review
Commented on mahmedpbt's review
yarappa athu... selam sivaraj sitha vaidhyar friend-a? why so much publicity?? This is not a advertisement forum...
Commented on ananjoti's review
Hi could u pls elobrate what are the problems you faced with E72?? I have been using E71 for nearly 1.5 years, and never had any complaints. Being a geninue NOkia user, I'm not able to accept ur complaint.
Commented on rakeshnautiyal's review
Hi, Sorry that you have paid more... But could your please highlight, how is the doctor? the facilities? how they took care of the delivery... This will help in getting a better understanding.. regds,
Commented on chennaidude's review
Thankgod Chennaidude that you got saved from this type of blood suckers... All the hospitals and suregons who gives luring ads and TV advertisements - better stay away from them...
Rated on deeksha_dembla's review
yes manianps... u know dr. rajkumar and may be u get better treatment and proper care because of that... in our case, we don't know him, and lost a valuable life just because of their treatment and carelessness... and 'young looking' is any qualification for a good doctor??!!!
Commented on vishnu_reviews's review
mr.livehappy, just because your life is saved doesn't mean that every other lives were saved properly... there are many sad stories from this hospital that people posting their own experiences...
Commented on own review
srdevimuthu, Saving lives of poor peoples doesn't justify the negligence and other carless mistakes they did with many other peoples..
Now that's called a propaganda... yes you were a critical patient and you are alright now... Let's talk about that more in detail please... //Dr. RajKumar is one of the best doctor. He does a surgery in which he takes out a persons whole fat without any pain./// How do you know that?? In the sam Read More...
Rated on sreesss's review
Commented on sreesss's review
Sir, Please STOP your Propaganda and review it with your own experience....
Math Ritemate (@rcr2008MouthShut Verified Member)
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Myrl Mitchell (@MyrlMouthShut Verified Member)
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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Hari Prasad (@rachahariprasad144MouthShut Verified Member)
Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Maan (@deepakmaanMouthShut Verified Member)
saharia sagor (@sagorsaharia004MouthShut Verified Member)