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Member Since:Aug 15, 2007
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A car no other - the best in its class (video too
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
For quite sometime, I have been wanting to buy my first car and was totally got hook to Honda Civic. Test drove it on Noida Expressway and I was smitten by itRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on KunaLsehrawat's review
o please..comon guys.. don't you feel one is stressing the limit by using certain words here.. this is really uncalled for.. calm down guys
guys, just to remind a point about being civil.. if someone have bought a new car, (any brand) and have done a review here, do congratulate him/her instead of pitching, exchanging negative tone on the car (the old Indian mentality that .. my car is better than yours, my car will toast yours for brea Read More...
well well, what do we have here!...blackspawner again on forerunner on anti-SX4 camp along with his VERNA commentary - bro, it does seems like you had been hammered AGAIN and AGAIN! Nice jokes he had put up though!! What he didn't realize is that he had been comparing two cars that serves different Read More...
Commented on own review
@Abinanth - you are right, the diesel powerplant in Verna is awesome..best diesel car within 10 lacs.. I would have considered Verna CRDi, but I hardly drive more than 500-600 kms a month.. so a petrol car makes more sense for my need.. finally it was between Fiesta 1.6 duretec and SX4 Zxi.. so goin Read More...
@metoo - glad you found the review helpful :) Have a nice day
Commented on sharma_sanjeevin's review
Again for educating other misinformed people, the SX4 sedan version debuted at the 2007 New York Auto Show. More at http://www.autoblog.com/2007/04/05/new-york-auto-show-suzuki-sx4-sedan-unveiled/ It (SX4 sedan) was first launched in China and then in India. It will be released in North Ameri Read More...
Rated on sharma_sanjeevin's review
what kind of review is it? It is well known fact that the SX4 is designed by the alliance of Suzuki and FIAT. Suzuki brands it as SX4, whereas, FIAT titles it as Sedici. You need to educate yourself more by reading wiki, no kidding! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_Sedici Comeon, dude, firs Read More...
Commented on blackspawner's review
@black - who is stopping you from posting to Orkut? perhaps, you are trembling out of fear that you will get toasted again! Probably a right saying 'Once bitten, twice shy!'...
@black.. boy, you won't budge.. still seeing all your comparision craps... I would love to counter each and every point you have enthusiastically pointed out, but the fact being, it won't make a difference.. for you, whatever the other cars are, VERNA is your soul... so even if axle come out of your Read More...
** People like chowchow are so much obssessed with SX4 bcoz people had driven maruti 800 or wagon R and suddenly a DOHC engine. WOw!! it is a perfect one. Wow! it is a lion. Wow!! it is an animal. Wow! Wow! as if they havnt ever driven a good car. Oh yes, Maruti users since 20 years havnt driven a D Read More...
'Show some sense and talk about SX4 in here. don’t have any ans. so calling me a psycho? haha really shame on you guys. ' YOU KIDDING! Don't you realize all this time, you had been talking about your crap Hyunda Accent DOHC (...lol) and Verna in this SX4 review... I won't say shame on you.. as yo Read More...
@kunal - great sense of humour.. Mr. Rajneesh desperately needs them.. perhaps some wealthy members could also contribute some money towards consulting fees for the psychiatric treatment... LOL.. BlackSpawner, I had some respect for you before, but now knowing you are the SICK Rajneesh, YUK, YUK Read More...
Some R & D Mr. Scientist, BlackSpawner (Rajneesh in SX4 orkut community) did: “At high speeds slight missjudgment in the steering can lead to good accidents. I did a lot of RnD on EPS and HPS and found HPS better in high speeds. I think you don't know the +ve aspects of HPS and the working of HPS Read More...
THE TRUTH ABOUT BLACKSPAWNER A.K.A RAJNEESH Hello everyone, by now, everyone must be familiar with this scammer and weirdo Verna fan - blackspawner (also known as Rajneesh in Orkut SX4 community) ...he claims he is a doctor.. (I am just curious what kind of doctor he is - perhaps veterinary).. h Read More...
so finally you made it here too! well, I agree to certain parts of your review, but most are again YOUR OWN OBSERVATION (self-made and honestly craps).. at the first place, you don’t own one.. so your observation is just your mere speculation..without much authentic blends.. well, I won’t write comm Read More...
Commented on Sonia_Batra's review
@blackspawner - bro congrats on your new verna.. but if you don't mind, could I ask one plain question. 'Are you nuts?' bro.. see at these comments, 70% of the comments are from you.. and most of them are PURE craps.. copy-paste information.. and bashing other members... bro, don't you have a lif Read More...
Commented on shako3008's review
@arnabpdas - cool..now at least sense must have prevailed upon you.. and FYI what make u laugh without knowing what limelight means...??? so much for your education Limelight - 'the center of public attention, interest, observation, or notoriety' according to oxford dictionary... when you can't u Read More...
@blackspwaner - bro, you need to calm down a bit.. if you have some sense, could you please NOT try to rudicule other members/readers here..and please, don't post redundant information that either does not relate to the car in review (SX4) or litter with material copied from other websites.. bro, I Read More...
@arnabpdas - mate, what is wrong with the attitude and your perception? I just came back from abroad (finishing my MS CS) and doing so, see things in a different limelight.. what do you expect here..all the bells and whistles just as in a western country? Being abroad, does not make you one of the s Read More...
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