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Member Since:Mar 03, 2016
540 MS Points
Coolest guy ever u seen.................;)
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3 mistakes of my life
Reviewed The Three Mistakes of My Life - Chetan Bhagat
I had truly loved 5 point somebody and Two states from Chetan Bhagat. it even has a considerable measure of linguistic use botches all through. The characterRead more...
Half Girlfriend
Reviewed Half Girlfriend - Chetan Bhagat
Each time Chetan Bhagat composes another book, he exacerbates beyond any doubt that its than past one. He has now begun writing in a way that account ofRead more...
Wings of fire
Reviewed Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam - Arun Tiwari
There are a standout amongst the most continuing lines that still lay carved in my memory. I have perused this book long back, and I dont recall when, yRead more...
Our Impossible Love
Reviewed Our Impossible Love - Durjoy Datta
Amazed to see such a book from Durjoy Datta and Penguin Publishers. Both story and presentation is too awful when contrasted with every single other book by tRead more...
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
Reviewed The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
I would term this the cutting edge Ramayana. I have heard individuals specifying that at whatever point you require a response for any inquiry, simply open anRead more...
KFC - Ashok Nagar - Chennai
Reviewed KFC - Ashok Nagar - Chennai
I was a bit weary of getting to a quick food franchise for lunch when I used to be in taylorville for homecoming.but I used to be presently stunned. this is Read more...
I Too Had A Love Story - Ravinder Singh
Reviewed I Too Had A Love Story - Ravinder Singh
You do not would like fancy words, nice language and large vogue to speak what is going on to you. you simply would like straightforward speak from your bottoRead more...
Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The - Robin Sharma
Reviewed The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma
I simply finished reading this nice book. I felt why I didnt browse this book thirty five years before, several mistakes might have avoided. Robin, thanRead more...
Samsung J1 ACE...
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace
The phone appearance sensible and is quick and tight for the worth, and therefore the screen is extremely nice(AMOLED). sadly itd merely loose its referRead more...
Panasonic P11
Reviewed Panasonic P11
After one week of usage, I found this to be a good phone with all the options. show is nice although viewing angles square measure restricted. just one downsiRead more...
Good laptop for a hardcore user.. :-P
Reviewed Dell Inspiron N5010
Ive had this laptop for a long time now and its worked awesome. Since its similar to 75 in tablet years, the number keys are beginning to boRead more...
Best budget over head headphone - Sennheiser HD 1
Reviewed Sennheiser HD 180 Over-Ear Headphone
I have been utilizing these earphones for as far back as one year and trust me, if for a minute you overlook the brand of these earphones, they are completelyRead more...
Microsoft Lumia 535
Reviewed Microsoft Lumia 535
Amazing work experience from most recent one year. I have redesign windows 10, Its out standing execution. I Love MS Lumia 535. Still I have no issue. When I Read more...
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Reviewed The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Dr. Joseph Murphy
This book will give you the way to the most marvelous force inside of your scope! This wonderful book has as of now helped perusers the world over accomplishRead more...
Reliance Wi-Fi Data Card-WiPOD
Reviewed Reliance WiFi Data Card
I brought another dependence wi-unit I have never experience such a most noticeably awful administration in my life. I obtained the item and dint even open a Read more...
Worth reading.
Reviewed Who Will Cry When You Die - Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma needs no prologue to the folks who are into self improvement writing, however to the individuals who are new to this habit I wager you read this Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on nabajyotinabajyot's review
Commented on nabajyotinabajyot's review
good review.. i used to have it lot in my younger age...keep posting
Rated on Ujjwal1234's review
Commented on Ujjwal1234's review
best open source browser for desktop...cool features...best review...
Rated on shbt1992's review
Rated on vish0709's review
Commented on shbt1992's review
smart browser.. best use for mobile,, it works really gud in 2G data connection..
Commented on vish0709's review
my 2nd most prefers Ecom site.. i started with flipkart..but cos of some reason i moved my priority to Amazon.. :-P
Rated on benthomas1705's review
Commented on benthomas1705's review
they tried to make their brand products but failed in it.. gud review...i like it
Rated on VaishaliniArya's review
Commented on VaishaliniArya's review
yep..tats right.. this is my favy product.. im using it for a long time it giving gud result..thanks for ur review
Rated on sidducss's review
Commented on sidducss's review
one of the best movie.. it made my childhood un forgotable... tat BGM is still hearing over my head..
Rated on Carolin97's review
Commented on Carolin97's review
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/irctc-magic-autofill/nngnpeogocbffohonknibfgpdheagajk?hl=en add this chrome add-on.. sure u will never miss ur tatkal ticket booking
Commented on srn333's review
worst ever service..i ever seen.. no proper responds no proper service..got really frustrated
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