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Member Since:Mar 02, 2006
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. Cricket, Cars & Bikes, Driving,
About Me
Education: Masters in Journalism
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Jet Set Go !!!!!!
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
I wondered what kind of a name it is for a sportz bike. I never had ZMA in my dream bike list. And neither did I ever dreamt of owning one, mainly because of Read more...
Zero Engine Noise...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen - Petrol
When I turned 18, I wanted a car that was small but a powerful one. So my dad bought the Zen in dec 2002. There werent many options apart from Santro, WRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on pratimaganesh's review
Commented on pratimaganesh's review
Was expecting more info about the phone rather than the water story... Me too planning to go for 1650, so was looking out for a detailed info from you.. anyways, congo for ur fone and keep updating about ur experience with it...
Rated on munishbhutani's review
Rated on AccountKiller743's review
Rated on ritas's review
Commented on ritas's review
Couldnt make out why was this in the review section...
Followed Stinky_Critic
Rated on ashwinchavan's review
Rated on avanish2525's review
Rated on Indygo's review
Rated on pravku's review
Commented on own review
Hey peethambaran.. Thankz dude for ur suggestion on the bulb changing thing on Karizma... I was gonna do that, but due to its battery getting drained quickly, i asked Dilip Baam, the bike guru from Indiabike, and he suggested to go for some electrical changes, but those are pretty complexed. better Read More...
Hey.. Thank you guys for your comments.. they do boost one's morale. Your comments have enticed me to write a few more reviews on the products i have been using... Thank u guys for ur appreciation... Akshay, will def write in more tips on how to enhance ZMAs performance as per my experience...
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