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Member Since:Jan 30, 2016
110 MS Points
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Nice car
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift VDi(O)
I like this car very much this is my dream car. I bought this car 3 month ago. Its fuel efficiency is very good. This is a very famous car in India the spaceRead more...
Good handset
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Note 3
I like this mobile becoz of its future Its future is very useful for us like A gps cemera etc but its price is very hige for middle class family any body knRead more...
Adult movie
Reviewed Kyaa Kool Hain Hum 3
In this film faithfully follows the thrust boob butt templete as kanhaiya rocky and mixkey make whoope in thailand in keeping with the nature of the flics I sRead more...
Like a hero
Reviewed Airlift
That man is ranjit katyal fictional composite of several businessman then operating in the gulf early scenes in radha krishna menons film. They go out of theRead more...
Reviewed Saala Khadoos
There arent too many competent sports films in our country in this film director gives  us unusual film there is nothing in the plot to suggest even a whiff oRead more...
Reviewed Mastizaade
I spent much of my morning struggling to ditinguish between mastizaade and last weeks release both are whar are called adult comedies by those who have a low Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Zeeshan123's review
Good for freshers
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Commented on devenderpaul's review
Yummy items that
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Commented on arpit082m's review
Nice review buddy
Rated on arpit082m's review
Commented on pavi161992's review
Nice one this
Rated on pavi161992's review
Commented on trivedibabbu014's review
This good for middle
Rated on trivedibabbu014's review
Commented on gs8851333's review
Nice budget phone
Rated on gs8851333's review
Commented on macneil_borges's review
Better than other
Rated on macneil_borges's review
Commented on nishant037's review
U can watch this once
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Commented on garimapar's review
Rated on garimapar's review
Commented on shabazkhan04's review
Rated on shabazkhan04's review
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