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Member Since:Mar 30, 2015
12239 MS Points
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Review of the Day (1)
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Healthy and good quality
Reviewed Pillsbury Atta with Multi-Grain
The Atta is commonly used at every home, without atta our meal is not completed. Earlier I used to bring wheat atta for our kitchen but last for few months weRead more...
Common tips to use tea /coffee
Reviewed General Tips on Tea/Coffee
Tea/coffee is very tasty, sweet and common drinks in all over the country. It was started by the English rulers during the British rule in the country and theRead more...
Very effective product for lips
Reviewed Joy Lip Guard
This is very nice and effective brand to use for your lips to keep them healthy and protective at all times. Specially it is very good to use in the winter clRead more...
Good quality and durable
Reviewed Ganga Mixer Grinder
This is one of the best quality of the mixer grinder. Though it is an old company but its products are good, durable and giving nice service. One of my uncle Read more...
Not good to use birth control pills.
Reviewed Tips on Birth Control Pills
This is not advisable to use birth control pills by the ladies, for prolonged use it may have side effects and may harm the important organs of the body. YouRead more...
Very effective and useful powder
Reviewed Ariel Matic Detergent Powder
For long time we are using excel washing powder but last time I bought this Ariel powder.  I found the quality of this powder is better than excel washing powRead more...
Tasty and cool drink
Reviewed Tang Soft Drink
This is a tasty and very nice soft drink. We can get it easily the market. This is a fruits flavoured drink. This is sweat in taste which contains sugar. ThiRead more...
School admission for kids.
Reviewed Tips on Nursery School
Nursery school is the primary stage for childrens admission. If you look back to the olden days around 40 - 45 years ago. Children used to be very happyRead more...
Patanjali honey the natural product.
Reviewed Patanjali Honey
This is the most trusted honey out of all other brands. It is online available or on the patanjali shops you can get it. It is a cheeper and affordable producRead more...
Good quality soap
Reviewed Lux International Soap
This is one of the best soap available in the market. Though it is slightly costlier then other brands but very useful for your skin. It is a complete bathingRead more...
Needs self protection and proper care for self sa
Reviewed Tips on Women's Safety
Today womens safety is the burning problem in the country. I think the women should not be that weak for their self protection. They should be bold enouRead more...
The best quality rice.
Reviewed India Gate Basmati Rice
India gate basmati rice is a supper fine quality. It is available in the market, D mart and also we can get it on line. Approximately 5 kg bag will cost Rs 50Read more...
Easy wash with Ezee.
Reviewed Godrej Ezee Liquid Detergent
The Easy liquid detergent is the most trusted product and it is used at large scale in the country. This is very attractive detergent for all types of clothesRead more...
Good quality products
Reviewed Levis
Levis is well trusted and provides good quality materials. Its all types of wearings looks very nice. There are sufficient varieties of brands available in eaRead more...
Choosing of gift for best friend
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Best Friend
When we talk to present some good gift to our very near and dear personality then we think several times that what to buy and which will the better for him. IRead more...
The best luxurious soap
Reviewed Yardley Soap
The yardley soap is the well trusted by the people and very good for skin to use. The soap is very creamy and smooth which gives soothing effect to the skin aRead more...
Good family movie.
Reviewed Jail
Jail is one of the best movie which is very clean and can be watched along with whole family.This is a good movie of love story that has lots of interests, fuRead more...
Not a useful product for hair.
Reviewed Flex Shampoo
This shampoo is a product of Revlon pvt Ltd. I use regularly sunsilk black shampoo for Long time. One day I saw add of this product that this works good for hRead more...
Good for treatment of teeth.
Reviewed Squigle Enamel Saver Toothpaste
This is a medicinal toothpaste which is very useful for all types of teeth and gums related problems. It is not easily available everywhere. You can get it onRead more...
Good product for skin care
Reviewed Dove Soap
Dove is a amazing and and very useful soap for all the age group, even it is good for small kids also. It is affordable in price and easily available everywheRead more...
About So called M-Express Delivery
Reviewed Myntra
I am writing to express my deep disappointment with your so-called "M-Express Delivery" service. I placed an order with the expectation that the express delivRead more...
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