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Member Since:Sep 22, 2006
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Education: B.Com
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Getz Prime (do you have one yet)
Reviewed Hyundai Getz
I’m not much of a fanatic to write loads of stuff unnecessarily, however this time I’d like to make an exception. I recently bought myself a Getz Prime. 2 mRead more...
Kotak is not bad at all
Reviewed Kotak Mahindra Bank
Just wanted to give my feedback on Kotak Mahindra Bank. I must say its truly amazing. I have this pro saving account with them and I get to access any ATMRead more...
Getz Prime - WOW!!!!!!
Reviewed Hyundai Getz Prime
Im not much of a fanatic to write loads of stuff unnecessarily, however this time Id like to make an exception. I recently bought myself a Getz PRead more...
800 the new look
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
To tell you honestly no one gives a second look to a maruti 800. but I say that all depends on how you look at it?? actualy the 800 is one of the only cars thRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Hey Sharmaak. I got my Getz in May 2007. the cost included the additional stuff like Alloys, spoilers, fogs, leather covers.
Rated on jeez's review
Rated on mahanankush's review
hey sanjoy at the moment the mileage I'm getting is 13KMPL and on highways 16 KMPL.
Hey Ani7chat. thanks for your inputs. I have noticed that the Hyundai dealer Iam going to . is not that impressive as the Maruti ones. with regards to your question. I paid 5.10 for my Getz inclusive of all. It has every thing you could ask for in it. Alloys,spoiler,fogs,leather covers, fittings .. Read More...
Rated on sandeepnandy's review
Commented on sandeepnandy's review
i dont think they is much info with regards to justifying the pros and cons
Followed isandeep
Commented on sas_animat's review
Some body HIT ME. whats is this all about? you need to write and show some thing useful and not usless
Commented on isandeep's review
Hey Cool show dude! Love your rev,, by the way for Varun Saboo.. i dont think the getz looks old at all. infact the swift looks like a fat chubby car and the spark looks like a cute little small girl . Gtez on the other hand has a far more sporty appeal, besides if you do it will its a show stopp Read More...
Rated on premalparikh01123's review
Commented on t_sriniwas's review
Hey I'm sorry about your experience. I have a tata sky and the reception is clear.. I mean crystal clear. However I have not faced any problem with the Zee channels as you mentioned. Iam getting the Zee network.. i am in mumbai but I dont think my location should have any thing to do with it.
Commented on subhankar_bh's review
you go dude! this is fab! I too have a Getz Prime. however a few points you mentioned seem wrong to me. for example the horn part.. i have never faced a problem its smooth and soft as ever. you might want to get it checked by the service center if you say its hard. and the AC bit.. I keep the ac on Read More...
this is a on road price, includes the alloy wheels, spoiler,fog lamps
this is great to know. iam sure going to try out the stuff mentioned and see how it looks on my car
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