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Member Since:Aug 05, 2008
0 MS Points
I like to play cricket.I got three man of the match award from mumbai university match in FY,SY, TYBcom. Play cricket & FootBall Making Friends
About Me
Education: Graduate (BCom), ICWAI Inter
Food and Drinks: Any Indian food, any Soft Drink Books: Thought of Life, Mahanayak ( Netaji S. Bose)Movie Stars: SRK, Big BMovies: Taitanic, Baby Day OutT.V. Shows: Comedy Show, matchMusic: Silent & Romantic song
Food and Drinks: Any Indian food, any Soft Drink
Books: Thought of Life, Mahanayak ( Netaji S. Bose)
Movie Stars: SRK, Big B
Movies: Taitanic, Baby Day Out
T.V. Shows: Comedy Show, match
Music: Silent & Romantic song
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Ajay_1977's article
i agree sir i agree with your opinion it alwayes happan
## Woman and Age ##
ON COMMENTS ON THAT REVIEW I never think that the person the god of india can behave like this i cant belive that to share this review with us
## Gandhi and Sex (Narrow minded peoples please dont read)##
Good news for all those whove travelled in ricks and had to step out of autos, coz of the attitude that the rickshawallas dish out! Go ahead and sit in the auto rickshaw without a word and ask them to take to your place, and if at all they refuse, kindly do not step out, but while in the Read more...
mai to alwayse panga leta hu, one day I called MSEB person beacouse we face a electricity problem in our area, MSEB person told us we dont have a enough man power today to check your problem we will come and check your problem tomorrow then we will dicide to go in MSEB office and write a complain ag Read more...
Commented on gyansoni's article
good thought mai to alwayse panga leta hu, one day i called MSEB person beacouse we face a electricity problem in our area and MSEB person told that we dont have a enough man power today we will come and check your problem tomorrow then we will dicide to go in MSEB office and write a complain agains Read More...
Kabhi Kabhi Panga Lo
thanks to advice thanks to advice same thing happan with me i dont get my document when ever i need, today only i will keep my document in file element wise
Maintain a Home Office
Followed gyansoni , nasayed
Followed Ajay_1977
Commented on sunny.'s article
From heart it realy realy tuchy it not only post but also a lesson to up comming lover that you should left your partner for some small problem pls stay with him, becoz he/her get your smile back
Power of love
it realy true it realy true what ever we like all we cant get,always love what ever you get or in your hand keep it up
Followed shefali.oxygen
Followed filmfreak , derebail2008 , murugeshgeo , TITUHKP , candyfloss
Three world famous magicians were in the bar drinking and boasting about their achievements. The first one said," During my latest show, I made three women from the audience disappear, it was so convincing that their relatives started panicking, no one could find the trick" The second one said, " Read more...
Check this out.... It Really Worked with me.... Will work with u too... Here you have a great chance to know about yourself like your character etc. without spending any money. This test was devised by oxford university. It tells about your personality just by your choice. So know yourself & enjoy Read more...
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Commented on tynm78's article
so good when ever you get married first read this comment then think that whatb type i=of girl you want to marry
Punjab di kuddi
realy tuching story animal also have a heart it's better that us every kiss have different meaning but important is what time you kiss realy good
Kiss - Invaluable ...!!
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