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Member Since:Jan 29, 2018
260 MS Points
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Worse and might be fake
Reviewed Dhani
I used this app and tried apply for loan more than two times. First, I used to apply on behalf of my mother, but they reject then, on my sister but they rejecRead more...
Popular worst singer
Reviewed Dhinchak Pooja
I do not know how people like her get views and subscribers even she do not have a single piece of talent. She get fame only from carryminati ( another youtubRead more...
One Of The Best Game
Reviewed Hill Climb Racing 2
Well, I am fond of games not only computer games but also mobile games. I know when my mother gifted me a smartphone. This game was pre-install and I played aRead more...
Watched a nice movie after Bahubali
Reviewed Padmaavat
Watched a nice movie after a long period a movie or I can say a great movie. After bahubali, Padmaavat is the only movie I watched which has a nice story lineRead more...
Enough to smile
Reviewed Bhuvan Bam
Are you sad, then you have not watch Bhuvan Bams vines. He is not just an actor or a viner, I mean I cannot explain. He is the person who gives a big coRead more...
Just love the buckets..!
Reviewed KFC - GT Road - Karnal - Delhi NCR
Well, kfc on gt road karnal. I just love it, KFC is a brand. I am saying only for which is situated near to my city but the worldwide KFC. The one thing or yoRead more...
Laziest Network
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
In past months I am a big fan of airtel. They are the best but now they are ruining everything. I mean in everything customer support, connection, and the mosRead more...
If you want electronics then use flipkart
Reviewed Flipkart
The best experience I have with flipkart in terms of electronic products. Because I never puchased everything else from flipkart. I bought several electronicsRead more...
Not A Single Is Genuine
Reviewed Paytmmall
I am a regular user of Paytm and overall it is an good app and website. Paytmmall.com suggested me by Paytm website. So I thought I should use it once. So, I Read more...
Best Game To Use Your Free
Reviewed Ludo King
As I mention that this is best game ever to use your best time, well I am sure that every Indian had payed this game physically in their childhood. May be theRead more...
Some time Best, some time worse
Reviewed Paytm Payments Bank
Well, we are talking about the what is/are tye best app to deal with online transactions than I will definitly sugguest you to go with paytm. I am using paytRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pravash Pujari (@pravashpujariMouthShut Verified Member)
Arlis Mai (@arlismai730MouthShut Verified Member)
Kaviraja Addangadi (@KAVIRAJAMouthShut Verified Member)
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vikrampwar (@vikrampwarMouthShut Verified Member)
Mohak623 (@Mohak623MouthShut Verified Member)
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dryzen (@dryzenMouthShut Verified Member)
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Mukesh Gupta (@mukeshguptaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ankur Saxena (@ankursaxena389MouthShut Verified Member)
Amrit Lal (@amritlalbaranwalMouthShut Verified Member)