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West Bengal
Member Since:Jan 11, 2016
2082 MS Points
About Me
Education: M.Tech.
Food and Drinks: Chicken & BeerBooks: Jangal BookMovie Stars: Salman KhanMovies: WantedT.V. Shows: Comedy Nights with KapilMusic: Honey Singh
Food and Drinks: Chicken & Beer
Books: Jangal Book
Movie Stars: Salman Khan
Movies: Wanted
T.V. Shows: Comedy Nights with Kapil
Music: Honey Singh
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Get clear face
Reviewed Nivea Men All-in-1 Face Wash
There is lot of pollution out side and my face get oily and sticky, I used to have clean face with Nivea face wash. It clear my face completely after that I fRead more...
Gilma cooking stove
Reviewed Gilma Empera Cooking Range
Six month back bought the product, our made used it roughly I think every made, anyways its in good condition after that also. Some times she washed it by watRead more...
Fastest Hindi News Channel
Reviewed Aaj Tak
Now a days Aaj Tak is top priority in Hindi news channels, its content, clarity, contents, authentic news make it best in its area, where their is hard and paRead more...
Desi noodles
Reviewed Patanjali Atta Noodles
After its launch I personally tasted/trusted this product. Due to ban of Maggie noodles I preferred this product because it made-up with atta which could easiRead more...
Affordable KB
Reviewed Zebronics KM2000 Wired USB Multimedia Keyboard
Recently Im experiencing Zebronics USB KB, its working fine for me. Actually I stroke my laptop keys as hammering on it so being in safe side I bought iRead more...
Part of Life
Reviewed Facebook
Yes, its true facebook.com is part of my daily life even most of the people do agree. It provides bridge between two or more countries, religions, cast and huRead more...
Key of Success
Reviewed Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations - R S Aggarwal
The aptitude book by R.S. Aggarwal even not only QA but other field related books are also famous and I read it after checking many reviews and recommendationRead more...
Cool Iron but warm in Function
Reviewed Philips GC158/02 Dry Iron
If you have Philips Dry Iron it doesnt mean you are Super-man or Rajnikan-t may be you could feel by using it. but it doesnt work for me. Anyways Read more...
Eat junk file not food :)
Reviewed Clean Master
Now a days mostly people have smartphones and they face many problems on it like virus problem, slowness, frequently hang condition and battery discharge, somRead more...
Magic Stick
Reviewed HP Pendrives
Im still using my first 4GB HP pendrive since 2010 and now also its in good condition. It is high performance and reliable may be because of its outer cRead more...
Sell anything in Olx.in
Reviewed Olx
Get some money from your old stuffs, olx is great platform where you can put an advertisement of your things which you want to sell. Firstly you need to regiRead more...
Excellent video streaming site... its YouTube.com
Reviewed Youtube
Now a days everybody is aware of youtube.com, you could find many different types of videos which is uploaded by account members(without any illegal or nasty Read more...
Try this microwave instead gas.
Reviewed LG 28 Litres MC2844SPB Convection Microwave Oven
I like LG most the products specially microwave, I could easily get my soup and snacks, chicken nuggets ready in 2 mins. I do not put much things in it i.e. cRead more...
Get ready to grind in your Kitchen
Reviewed Bajaj Trio Mixer Grinder
My sister bought this grinder two years back and it is performing well, there was two or three blades with this which could be use to grind different materialRead more...
Dream Job with SBI
Reviewed State Bank Of India (SBI)
Im using SBI saving account facility since 2011, you can easily apply and get your account ready in same day itself. They have different types of accounRead more...
Good and rich quality chocolate
Reviewed Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk
When I talk about dairy milk water come in my mouth. I buy it generally when I need to eat some sweets, on average I buy 15 - 16 dairy milk monthly for my nieRead more...
Chemical toothpaste
Reviewed Dabur Red Toothpaste
I used this toothpaste many times even it was frequently used in my family some time back;Â Â There was Dabur red tooth-power also famous. Its taste is little sRead more...
High performance Deo
Reviewed Fogg Deodorant
When I travel in bus while going to office Ive to face sweaty people and I dont want to be one of them. I dont understand even they know theRead more...
Adidas people's choice
Reviewed Adidas Footwear
I experienced many local shoes and they are not really reliable, their cost is also high. People think these shopkeeper sell them in less price but shoes lifeRead more...
Real network strength
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
I still remember when I purchased my first Idea sim at Rs. 999, 9 yrs ago, where I got Rs. 900 talk-time. Now there is huge difference between today and earliRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on samirsharma27512's review
thanks for informative share, it helped me to make right decision.
Rated on samirsharma27512's review
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Followed vaishu94 , sunithatela20
Rated on rpokhriyal97's review
Rated on vikii's review
Commented on mohanmehracyber's review
its informative review, thanks to sharing with us.
Rated on mohanmehracyber's review
Rated on jaggupatil74's review
Commented on puneetsrk's review
Your contents have good clarity about the product.. thanks to sharing with us.
Rated on puneetsrk's review
Commented on shashank347's review
well expressed buddy, its definitely useful for me.
Rated on shashank347's review
Commented on rpokhriyal97's review
thanks for your review, keep it up.
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Parag Bawangade (@aditibawangade111MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nimrit Kaur (@kaurnimritkaurMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anmol Mathus (@anmolmehta07510751MouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nag D (@seshunagaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pankaj Kumar (@Pankaj0432MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sumit Rai (@sumitrai079MouthShut Verified Member)
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