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Member Since:May 23, 2017
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A hope for needy ones...
Reviewed H J Doshi Ghatkopar Hindu Sabha Hospital - Ghatkopar West - Mumbai
Hindu Sabha hospital opposite ghatkopar west railway station is a charitable hospital which has helped many needy paitent who cannot afford treatment expensivRead more...
Paytm overall not up to satisfaction.
Reviewed Paytm
Paytm is a good app to receice and send money. But charges are little higher. Since it is heavily used and widely used it is trust worthy though they sell proRead more...
A really superb place
Reviewed Vishwa Bharat - Ghatkopar - Mumbai
A execellent place near station which serves drinks veg and non-veg food with good quality and quantity. Service is also nice with well mannered staff. FamousRead more...
A place to avoid
Reviewed Hotel Trilok - Ghatkopar - Mumbai
Hotel trilok is a bar and restaurent a place sure to avoid. Ambience is worthless service poor due to unskill staff. Food is not worth trying as one has lots Read more...
A place which need a thought for going
Reviewed Hotel Airways - Ghatkopar - Mumbai
Hotel airways a hotel where a decent humans need a thought for going. Hotel airways is famous hotel where un moral works is at its peak. Couple comes heRead more...
Really good food
Reviewed Bharat Cafe - Ghatkopar - Mumbai
Bharat cafe is counted one of oldest hotel in ghatkopar which is really famous for its south indian dishes. Good cleaniness staff are really mannered and it iRead more...
A worth place to try.
Reviewed Deepa Restaurant and Bar - Ghatkopar - Mumbai
Deepa bar is one of bar having decent ambience. Well trained and decent staff at your service. Free starters provided are also fresh. If one prefer to have foRead more...
A bike worth buying
Reviewed Yamaha FZ-S FI V2.0
A wonderful bike from reputed company. It has good feature available on reasonable price. Good on indian roads with a workable mileage with appealing look worRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on friendzprashant's review
Thanks for sharing your experince may be it shall open eyes for travell lovers.
Rated on friendzprashant's review
Rated on spanpower's review
Commented on spanpower's review
Very true they only give lolly pop don't fall im trap
Rated on pugu2240's review
Commented on pugu2240's review
Stay away from purchasing here one shall have chance of getting disappointed
Commented on tarunthakur108's review
Very true worth credit try it and one shall love it
Rated on tarunthakur108's review
Rated on Suraj2015's review
Commented on Suraj2015's review
I also had a bad experience better look for a good optiom
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