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Member Since:Feb 19, 2012
20 MS Points
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Does Vestige Has the Potential?
Reviewed Vestige Marketing Pvt Ltd
The company is copy cat marketing of the original global leader Amway whichmarkets more than 450 products by its own inventions with more than 1000 patents whRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on decentjai1995's review
Rated on indiakagabbar's review
Commented on jazertmabiccontra's review
Don't fall for propaganda, it is cheating its own distributors. Its founder has many companies in his name & he markets online & through retail same products at far lower price with different name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI1nY6MoBvQ&t=7s
Commented on yashkuchhal23's review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI1nY6MoBvQ&t=7s Go through this video to find how they cheat
Commented on adarsh2400patel24's review
You have never used the products that are more useful than explaining your placebo effect. Flax seed oil is inferior Omega 3 compared to Fish sourced. You better get these from pharmaceutical with less cost but better quality. View the link I provide & see how Vestige is cheating its distributors. Read More...
Rated on rounakghosh1299's review
Commented on own article
firdousindiana, provide medical reports of before & after the chelation therapy to prove, otherwise it proves you too a commission agent who gets paid to send patients to such quack therapies. Placebo effect is an illusion more than any real cure. I advice any patients again to try CoQ10 & Read More...
Chelation Therapists Cheating Cardiac Patients -QUACKS
Rated on ssmadhavkrishna's review
Rated on ramsreekanth's review
Chelation Therapy Cheating. Chelation Therapy never works, please don't perform it, & save your precious money & health. Take qualified doctors advice, if they advice you against surgery as the risk & age factor are heavily against the odds, then I advice you to take all the medications doctors give Read More...
Commented on bidyutd's review
Consumer Forum leaders inform us- nobody will fore warn anybody with proposed action if any, lest they might get adequate legal recourse. Its their trick to recover & threaten with consequences so that they can very easily achieve their target, which brings them with commission based on their achi Read More...
Rated on bidyutd's review
Commented on Jay_ahmedabad's article
Reliance Insurance Whether its Reliance or Bajaj Insurance companies, they all are the same. They give huge commissions to their agents to get the money. Once they get it if you don't read the fine-line of the policy documents you receive you will be taken for a ride. Caveat Emptor applies here Read More...
Reliance Insurance Co. making fool of customers.
Commented on chitrandasverma952's article
Online Survey But how can one believe those who promise cash, get their work done & forget what they had promised. Many scamsters might be lurking to cheat. Why not start a forum to identify genuine amongst the lot & guide novices to earn from their own home. I think it will be a great service Read More...
on-line survey jobs
Commented on deshpandesudhi's article
Insurance ULIPS are risky. Term deposits give more commission to agents. Money back is the best, as it gives assured money in fixed timings before maturity which you can re-invest in shares, stocks or to buy capital goods, which earn more than term deposit. MaxNewyork is the best Insurance com Read More...
Term Insurance Plan - Which is best...
Commented on blitzkriegww2's article
Water Mark Good information about cat & mouse play by copyright owners & pirates. Tech Info reading is my favorite subject. Thank u.
Commented on VParmar's article
Airtel Woes Airtel is the Pioneer in cheating its clients, Tata Docomo promisses no hidden charges- but activates new services & asks contact their consumer cell to discontinue the service, otherwise they will deduct 10 Rs./ 10 days. All know by doing they can make crores of profit in a single day Read More...
Airtel - Pathetic service continues for five year...
Commented on sam_senthil's article
Split AC Buy any brands, they all perform better. The more star rated saves power in the longer run. You can buy-LG, Panasonic, Voltas, or Hitachi.
Split AC
Commented on virtualaix's article
Exide Batteries Yes when i bought a bike the battery from exide lasted 5 years, the next one 2 years, the next only 6 months. I replace my inverter battery of Exide which used to overheat & need liquid top up every week, with Okaya battery- which doesn't get heated & even after 15 months its liquid Read More...
Exide Batteries are trash
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AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ishant Rajput (@ishantrazz85MouthShut Verified Member)
Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)
Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi Prakash (@ravisw82MouthShut Verified Member)
PHILIP SAM (@armstrong_yezdiMouthShut Verified Member)
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Guru Singh (@guruxxx7557MouthShut Verified Member)
Pinky Deb (@pinkydeb100MouthShut Verified Member)
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