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Member Since:Jan 26, 2016
94 MS Points
I am student pursuing my graduation degree in commerce stream . I live in Guwahati . I have my parents and two elder brothers at home.
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Worst phone.
Reviewed Lenovo A6000
Its the worst phone I have ever had! Pity because it had the potential. My last phone was Lenovo too, 2013 model, with less power, but with the same appRead more...
Great phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi 4i
I have been using Xiomi Mi 4i for one month only . The phone is excellent. I found only one issue with this phone .It gets heat up very early while playing Read more...
Great movie.
Reviewed Airlift
Tears came to my eyes watching the superb movie.It is probably the best patriotic movie over the decade. Team work can be seen. Great acting. All the effortsRead more...
My experience with unite 2
Reviewed Micromax A106 Unite 2
I had bought a micromax unte 2 one and half year ago. It was a my first Android smart phone. Micromax unite to is really one of the greatest smart phone at cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on yadavdelhi112's review
Thanks for sharing.
Commented on own review
You are welcome.
Did you use it ?
I have used it.
No .It is not a good phone.
Thanks a lot.
Commented on nallakonar's review
Review is useful but the product is not satisfactory
Rated on nallakonar's review
Commented on sstar198715's review
Your review is very useful.
Rated on sstar198715's review
Commented on njsingh14's review
Its a great phone.
Rated on njsingh14's review
Rated on RohitBhardwaj's review
Commented on RohitBhardwaj's review
Awesome mobile and good review.
Commented on nirupukoneru's review
Nice camera and good review .
Rated on nirupukoneru's review
Commented on guptasandeep462's review
Thanks for sharing your review.
Rated on guptasandeep462's review
Thanks for sharing your experience.
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