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Member Since:Jun 10, 2012
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Mogambo Kush Hua
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Ownership Experience Duke 390
Reviewed KTM Duke 390
I bought this Bike on 1st Oct. and since then I have ridden couple of thousand KMs on this bike. Found few Good and bad points which I will try to explain to Read more...
Amazing Bike with Excellent Comfort and VFM..
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger
I bought this bike in April.. Did not want to write a review until the bike was completely tested in the real world conditions.. I will not write the specificRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger 220
One of the best bikes.. Most under-rated.. 1000KM
Reviewed Hero Honda Hunk
I am here to write a review on my bike which I bought almost 2 months ago. I was in a great confusion to buy a bike that which one I should go for. I had PulsRead more...
Finally a bike we can boast about...
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 200NS
I do not own this bike yet.. but one of my friends have it..  to tell you the reality. The pictures do not do justice on this bike. The Bike is lot bigger thaRead more...
Experts Review..
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I am here to write a 2 yr ownership review on this bike. Here is the story. Well I had a silly craze for Royal Enfield, which turned into a nightmare. Felt lRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on somashekar6318's review
False Information. It is not 9 lakhs .. plus.. mileage is more than 20.,.. i doubt if u own one.
Commented on own review
@adiqto I have done 150kms in single stretch. I had to stop to refuel.. not because I was tired.
@rjdsilva nonr issues so far.. bike never broke down. Yes there was one minor electrical glitch.. but that was due to my mistake.. other than that.. bike never gave any issues so far.. and yes.. I never had to stop to cool the bike down.. even in traffic jams.. it just goes fine.
Commented on Bsethna's review
@pradeepchandru : maybe you don't know that KTM is a pretty old brand and has won many ralies and competions. Even if you go for Honda, you might get one peice that is faulty.. its is mistake of the customer.. he should have not taken the bike in the first place and should have insisted on another b Read More...
Commented on arunabiradar's review
sorry for u brother.. i guess I will go for Tata sky then.
Commented on J.Ravi's review
@J.Ravi Hey.. just wanted your honest opinion on this.. I m also planning to buy.. but im scared of the oil leakage and un-reliablity issues of this bike.. can you tell me .. how many Kms have you driven already?? Are there any oil leakage issues so far? what is the top speed you were able to do on Read More...
Followed sunsujay
@anupshenoy : Bike mileage is subjective to driving style most of the times plus the way it is maintained.. Its not very flickable in traffic.. so you need lot of patience to drive it.. other than that.. bike is a complete bliss.. no maintenance so far apart from service and washing (that I do mysel Read More...
@garimaverma1 : With all due respect, I would not suggest you to buy this bike. As this is a heavy bike.. could be little difficult for you to control at very slow speeds or in traffic... You can go for Pulsar 200NS or Duke.. those bikes are better performers and lighter also.
Commented on shaktisrivastav007's review
I think Pillion is more comfortable on this bike than Pulsar or Karzima.. you can also broaden the seats to fix that problem.. but actually people don't like to find a solution.. but to Blaming is easy.. You are the first person who is saying that it is not comfortable..
Commented on ashutoshrajgaria's review
Well.. 1) I think that you should know how to brake it will brake properly (use both brakes together.. 2) I not sure from where you are changing the parts.. but u need to change the person from whome you are buying it.. I have an Avenger too.. Never had any of ur problems.. expect the servicing part Read More...
@Lionheartbhasin : you bet.. I so want a bigger engine like 375 on this bike.. I'll buy it the day it comes with 350+ engine.
@vishu_1989 : this is a very good bike with no problems whatsoever.. Avenger and CBR and Duke are totally different bikes.. i'll give you a short answer.. Comfort + Long rides + Mileage + Value for Money = Avenger...... Long rides + City rides == CBR .... City Rides + Power/Torque + Value for money Read More...
Commented on chaudharymanish99's review
Did you try changing the Tyre... This problem could be with Any bike.. I Had this issue with Mr. Reliable (unicorn).. but after changing Tyre.. everything was fine.. don't blame bike for that..
Commented on venu.murthy's review
I completely agree to your view here.. however we cannot consider it as a review though.. the bike is highly over-rated.. I owned this bike for 7 years (RE Std. 350). after which I understood that this not what you expect out of a bike.. People say its reliable... only if you roam around with it in Read More...
Commented on tejasjhaveri's review
close your eyes.. go for Hunk.. i own it.. trust me.. its a gem.
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AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
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Aneel Khokhar (@aneelkhokhar27MouthShut Verified Member)
Pradeep Mehta (@pradeepmehta16MouthShut Verified Member)
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