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Member Since:May 06, 2005
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Education: B Tech
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"Taste of Pudding is in the Eating "
Reviewed Goldquest
The Title aptly describes the state of the people who are in dilemma of whether to log in to the system of Quest Net or stand side by and see the friends and Read more...
Mumbai Mirror ---- Not a cut above rest
Reviewed Mumbai Mirror
Times came up with this tabloid ........MUMBAI MIRROR .............. termed the concept of small paper , compact size and handiness as New Idea. whose time haRead more...
Statuory Warning : Entry Prohibited in Theatres
Reviewed Jo Bole So Nihaal
Dear Dear .......... What do I Say..... Tell u Opportunity comes only once but for all lucky readers of MouthShut ..It had been umpteen times comin....DONT WRead more...
Karan Johar -- Crash Landing
Reviewed Kaal
Kaal : Movie for which I was waiting for months back and spice added to my curiosity when I found my Idol doin a cameo role ( Read Item Song ) in it ........RRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Shashank2361's review
Commented on Shashank2361's review
GO AS**** DO SOME BETTER COPY PASTE >> SURE LIFTING FROM OTHER REVIEWS>>> @ Anton : Dont waste ur time here ansering this crappy review...
Commented on own review
But as we are customers.. the ppl who lost money cant file a case to us .. henc he most obvious target ... Vijay Eswaren is def not Don or Mafia .. rite ...!! Now comes the kill : http://www.mmail.com.my/Current_News/mm/Monday/Hotnews/20070507144941/Article/index_html Google and put 'US Read More...
What these guyzz in Lanka Daily had written def smell some problms over there but the sole reason of being this company in Bad books of Lank is it had been bnned there as well in some other countries like Nepal , Burma , Bhutan.... Their economies and these companies legal stature is not so sturdy Read More...
Hey Debak .. gud that u tld sumtin new .. My frnds r theer in Jakarta for this convention and wat exactly happenend is People who dit earnd money complanied against copny .. They were in to someone chain ..but dit recoverd the money sofiled a case agauinist Company officials
Commented on uditha98's review
Looks like Big *** are alwazz round the corner in this world .. ***** like u are sitting everywher ..LOL.. Tch Tch lagta hai tera paisa doob gaya .. Kaam nahin kara hoga.. .. nalayak log are qute a few here in GQ.. ..... Lol ...MOney lost coz u dint worked . Accept it moron ... And yes learn t Read More...
U dint researched much on Pyramid and MLM...Duid u .. No ...for sure .. coz in pyrmid .. u recruit people ..but in here its Customr Begets Customer .. . Dnttell me about wata third grade country like lanka faced .. They had worse legal system in place ...and Tel me one thing .. If u purchase any Read More...
U onlt seem to google .... Copy pasting all those things out here .... Lemme tell u that Reliance had also mal functioned accordign to Indian Govt .. coz they askd for WLL.. and they used STD thru that using call forward .. They were caught too late .. Does that mea reliance cant be belived.. U Read More...
If ur GQ frnds are quiet it might not mean that they dint like the tatse of pudding ... and here no body is pressurized to join ...So u dint join .. May Be a 'C' Category . who join only after seeing other succesess.. hence mebbe they are waiting or their cheques o arrive ....We sometimes wait for t Read More...
Rating is about the review .. Not the product .. :-(
A very opinionated View ..... Well I came by no one complusion .. On my own thoughts .. coz I guess it was nicebusiness plan .. Do tell me this that every MLM is a scam that means ?? Dont be a nerd like saying that U can purchase the same coin thru open market a.l.a.' Nathu Lal Sunar ' .. Do that Read More...
Tnx Dear !! I though differ a bit that Product Usefulness thing ... Either u consume the product and made it to use till its wear n tear as in Amway or U can keep it with u a sell it off latr .. as a piece of art ... Well ur Guess is as good as mine .. about how much price does it fetch !!
Commented on gemini_raj's review
ha Ha ha.......Bhartiya Sangeet ka ek kadrdaan .. and I wonder y r u so afraid of my response .. u already put up a shield //// God Bless all Losers
So now ur contradictig urself that movie is a hit ....Neva seen ppl changing opinions so fastly....... Wel so much worried about values . So have Sk sehgal .. nd mean time keepa chk on ur closebys that they dont groove to Himesh Songs .. n by D way Stil his songs r hit ... nd Well I m not feeling Read More...
I think frst of all ur to late to write a review that can define the fate for film ,None the less Wen u had written this , Please bear in Mind the film was a good hit for Imraan and tanu coz of Music ........ May be he sings by nose , But den wat ,... the songs were a hit and Ur saying it coz no Read More...
Commented on mohanvarma2004's review
I beleive That U had copied the entire article from Rediff Site .. And u pasted it here . I think if u r so eager to use CTRL C + CTRL V . Go Become a software Engineer indeed . No Offence to Software Engg . Plzz take note of that .
Commented on saalu's review
I also appreciate the movie and liked ur review .. But i think u being too generous for that ..For everything u said ' BEst I have Seen ' Man ..MAn ..If u look for technical wizardy there are many Like Sanjay Gupta(Zinda ) , Apporva Lakhaia in Ek Ajnabee (though Stolen Ideas)) U better watch Read More...
Commented on prassad_rs's review
you review matches woprd to word from from rediff ,indiafm barring few lines .. If u had mentioned that I wud had definately read yours .. As it comprises the other 2 effortlessly.. Please Be Original...
Hi Buddies .. Nice to find ur comment MJ is write as nowdays even National dailie acts like TABLOID ( hey u name spell doom --Michael Ja....(ekk...) Anyway :) Hi Di .. Not my frst but 3rd as I had just started .. on Kaal and Jo Bole .... Please to find good ratings Tanx
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
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