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Member Since:Aug 19, 2004
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Education: MTech
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Tension bara computing
Reviewed HP Pavilion DV6000
All HP laptops bought in 2007 with Nvidia integrated graphics card are defective. The combination of AMD and Nvidia almost kills your laptop with excessive heRead more...
A pearl is a pearl!
Reviewed RIM Blackberry 8100 Pearl
The first time I saw this phone in India I wished if I could ever own this one. We procured this phone for client testing of mobile apps for blackberry. FinaRead more...
How do you manage money?
Reviewed General Tips on Money
How do you manage money? This is a question most middle class citizens around the world fail to ask themselves. I myself didn’t feel like asking this questiRead more...
KFC CMH road Indranagar BLR
Reviewed KFC - Indiranagar - Bangalore
We had one of the worst food in recent times at KFC CMH road Bangalore. We were late this Sunday and had to grab a quick bite. So instead of heading to Pizza Read more...
Digital Vs Film, The winner is .....
Reviewed Choosing a Camera
I got rid of my bulky Nikon F60 with 28-80, 70-300 Sigma lenses and dedicated achiever flash for 1/5 the original cost after carrying the 2.5 KG monster bag aRead more...
Easy to Maneuver and Maintain!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
I was forced to buy a car after my daughter was born. I was driving a bike and am ok with it. But I reside in the worst part of Bangalore where my trousers tuRead more...
Art of Living!
Reviewed Choosing A Weight Loss Plan
I am slightly under weight by few Kgs. I lost and gained weight slowly several times even though never to the extreme. My wife lost 10Kgs in 16 months. And IRead more...
How to get Excel prepaid in Bangalore
Reviewed BSNL CellOne / Excel Mobile Operator
I got fed up with Hutch prepaid. They are deducting Rs 3 every day for services I do not use. Also after calculating costs I found BSNL excel to be very very Read more...
Consume less!
Reviewed General Thoughts on Environmental Pollution
Do you know? If every body on this planet lived like the AVERAGE US citizen then we would need 8 more Earths. And most of us are trying to ape the US. Read more...
Reviewed Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai
Saarabhai Vs Saarabhai is a sans aur bahu serial with a twist. The sans or the bahu do not win we win. Earlier we have tu tu main main where only the sans andRead more...
Bush as Alexander!
Reviewed Alexander The Great
I lived in the US during the start of the Iraq War. I noticed certain lines from Bush like spreading freedom & education. In this Movie too the same lines werRead more...
Master blaster!
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
I have been watching Sachin for a long time. He seems to be a good guy with lot of talent. But he is also shrewd. Why? He is the richest sports guy in India. Read more...
Drive till you crash!
Reviewed Learning to Drive
If you are going to drive for the first time learn from my experience. I have driven Scooters, mopeds & bikes since 1991 on a daily basis averaging 20km/day.Read more...
Nothing worth mentioning.
Reviewed Woody's - Commercial Street - Bangalore
After reading the review on MS I went to Woody?s when we went to Commercial Street. Now there is a difference when you look everything you experience and see Read more...
Only decent option.
Reviewed Gemini TV
This channel is I think the most watched in Andhra. It has one and only comedy program in telugu ?AMRUTHAM? Even thought the comedy standards of this program Read more...
History channel should be banned.
Reviewed The History Channel
I am watching History channel from a long time. They cover history of all white men. Very rarely they cover other color history. The history is biased with AmRead more...
Oopa! Tudo Bem?
Reviewed Rio de Janeiro
Bon Dia! Rio de Janeiro is place to live if you want to do whatever you want. I had a mind-blowing stay in Rio during 2000. I lived in Rio for 5 months. We rRead more...
Indian Railways ; A country within a country
Reviewed Indian Railways
I have been travelling by Indian Railways extensively in Andhra since I was born. The trips took were mostly touching Vijayawada, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, TRead more...
Bangalore - I love it ; I hate it.
Reviewed Bangalore
I have first landed in Bangalore in 1997 after I landed a job on campus. I never hoped to get a job a here. I was hoping to go to Chennai as it met most of myRead more...
Good Andhra food
Reviewed Bheema's - Church Street - Bangalore
I read reviews on MS and went to Bheemas. I visited Bheemas in Tirupati many times and recall their good food there. There is a certain brand value for BheemaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on TechsToApp's review
Rated on srak123's review
Rated on hvnk's review
Commented on hvnk's review
Very good practical tips. As you mentioned, controlling your mind is more important to achieve desired results.
Commented on dkalpesh's review
Question are all valid. The business model of CM is to take money from members and serve non members.
Rated on dkalpesh's review
Rated on bluegrapes's review
Rated on pr_chary's review
Commented on pr_chary's review
to rohank, there are no true fixed rate mortgages' in India available to public like in US. The fixed rate mortgages in India can be reset after 2 yrs.
Rated on venkatabbu's review
Commented on venkatabbu's review
Be carefull, the manager would have opened a hawala account using your information. You have given every information about yourself to a bank guy who is capable of doing fraud for few thousands.
Commented on rightreview's review
I had the same problem since i bought the HP DV6646US laptop in 2007. Now it is working so so. The issue is HP first sells laptops and then slowly works on the correct drivers. You should always check for latest drivers for your laptop on HP support site. For 1 year i put a -1 version of the video d Read More...
Rated on rightreview's review
Rated on parikshitbhinde's review
Commented on parikshitbhinde's review
Do you have AMD processor with Nvidia graphics card? I have the same cobination and the screen gives up when ever it heats up. The solution is to keep the computer as cool as possible and try with driver uninstal to prev version.
Commented on satishfaction's review
I had gone without TV for 3 months, but the problem comes when parents or in-laws come to our house for a visit and they have no TV to watch their soaps. I hope you don't get a TV as it is like doing yoga, you will be more at peace than with a TV
Commented on pathetic_colleges's review
I can understand your frustration. Hope you don't take this one incident to heart for long. Life will have ups and downs.
Rated on pathetic_colleges's review
Rated on vetrisoosai's review
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