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Member Since:Jun 05, 2017
240 MS Points
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Reviewed Haier Split AC 2 Ton
We have bought the haier split ac 2 ton last year. Fortunately till now, doesnt came across any problem. Beautiful digital remote control with wall suppRead more...
Be a royalenfield rider-be a legend
Reviewed Royal Enfield Classic 350
Its been 25 days, I got my classic 350. the overall performance of the bike is awesome. the vibrations is more on the first and second gear and the vibrationsRead more...
EXIDE-As always excites
Reviewed Exide Eco 850 Home Ups Square Wave Inverter
I have bought this inverter 2 year before and now till today it is properly working. had all features of light showing overload, charging, battery down, with Read more...
Barista - choice is not sasta
Reviewed Barista Lavazza - Mahagun Metro Mall - Vaishali - Ghaziabad
I happened to visit the Barista before a movie to quench my coffee craving and a small bite. Expensive as hell for something I didnt taste so elevated .Read more...
Snapdeal started cheating to their customers
Reviewed Snapdeal
I want to say that I had ordered a basketball from snapdeal and I received another company basketball. I also want to check the product on delivery but deliveRead more...
Sultan -a clap worthy movie
Reviewed Sultan
A great and excellent movie of salman khan with best motivational title song . telling the story of a man called sultan a wrestler who resigned of wrestling fRead more...
Dangal-A Solid movie
Reviewed Dangal
I would say it was a great movieand motivational too among the movieis of aamir khan. The movie also touches a deep chord in the heart of those milions of parRead more...
Lenovo G50-80 notebook-a good gaming device
Reviewed Lenovo G50-80 Notebook
This notebook is pretty good with awesomw architecture. Extremely good for gaming and incredibly supportive for engineering students. The only problem in it iRead more...
Smart LG LED TV -smart choice
Reviewed LG 43LH576T Full HD Smart LED TV
Its really a nice and reliable product withgodd service and support facilities. it can also with the wifi and can surf and use youtube also has a feature of bRead more...
Sony bravia led- just an regret nothing else
Reviewed Sony BRAVIA KLV-48W562D Full HD Smart LED TV
I would like to say that I have purchased Sony BRAVIA KLV-48W562D Full HD Smart LED TV 1.5 years ago, it was fine for the few weeks then after some kind of muRead more...
TVS jupiter - A Perfect Choice
Reviewed TVS Jupiter 110
I would say that tvs jupiter is definitely a better choice than any other bike. I am a proud owner of this bike. its mileage is good enough of 50kmpl. it alsoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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PawanAshar (@PawanAsharMouthShut Verified Member)
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Om Singh Knowledge Tank (@omsingh1553526MouthShut Verified Member)
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Myrl Mitchell (@MyrlMouthShut Verified Member)
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Misbah Qadri (@misbahqadri92MouthShut Verified Member)
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Varsha Ashish Gurav (@varshapusalkarMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sunil Badgujar (@sunilbadgujar90MouthShut Verified Member)
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Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
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Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
Nag D (@seshunagaMouthShut Verified Member)
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
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