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Member Since:Mar 05, 2016
45 MS Points
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Kapil's show
Reviewed Comedy Nights with Kapil
Comedy Nights with Kapil is one of the best show I had ever seen. He did best stand up comedy. His sense of humour is brilliant. Gutthi, palak, dadi, buva andRead more...
Best comedy show
Reviewed Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah
Tarak mehta ka ultah chashmah is the best show. Its all characters are perform really well every episode . I never bored to watch this show . I watch it dailyRead more...
Salty biscuits
Reviewed Parle Monaco Cracker Sandwich
This the better salty biscuits then the other I have eaten. It is so nicely made to enjoy with the tea. And we can also eat it without tea and other. We can Read more...
A good bike (Shine)
Reviewed Honda Shine
It is a very good bike . And also people recommended bike. Every normal family man can use maintain this bike. This bike is very useful and affordable. It is Read more...
Affordable phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi 4i
This is the best phone ever I have used in my life at affordable price with good features . I like the picture quality of its camera( rare and back) I impresRead more...
PlayStation 1
Reviewed Sony Playstation 1
I would like to share my gaming experience with sony. It has good graphic. Excellent games to play. There are some names which was I play in playstation 1: xRead more...
Excellent game
Reviewed Sony Playstation 2
Sony playstation 2 provides many trumendous games like, god of war, smack down, tekken 3, urban reign, god hand etc. I love to play urban reign and smack dowRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on syedmohdmuqaffam's review
Very well reviewed. Nice.
Very tasty biscuits . good review.
Rated on syedmohdmuqaffam's review
Nice review. I also like his movies.
So nicely reviewed on it. Keep it up.
Commented on Prashanth852615's review
Good review. So nicely done.
Commented on Reviewer2016's review
Very good and useful review with information.
Commented on ashworld1's review
Nice review. I also use it.
Commented on jitendertohana's review
Hajmola is a good thing for digestion. Nice review.
Commented on arshadch's review
Truely useful review or information
Commented on siddiquishadab7860's review
Thanks for the review . it is untrusted.
Commented on meroshan17's review
Nice review . I also love to play games on sony psp.
Commented on 113khansahid's review
It is so nice gaming console. And easy to carry.
Commented on ishitabiswas326's review
Very well review. I also love to watch tom and jerry.
Commented on Ahmedb763's review
This show is one of the best show for me. The leading character chandramukhi chautala did very good.
Commented on own review
Its is so useful for me.
Your review denotes many things. I think you know well about this show.
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