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Member Since:Jun 17, 2008
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T.Bird the Classic cruiser ..
Reviewed Bullet ThunderBird
My name is Ganesh. I went through all the Joys/painful experiences shared by the folks. I would also like to share my experience overhere. I own a T.Bird 2005Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
Does any one have Back firing in your Bulls? Usually it will be visible when we go for custom made silencers as it boosts the thump. My suggestion is to change your coil (Usually this is kept under the Petrol Tank and looks like a match box - costed me Rs.300/- approx) will arrest the Back fire. Enj Read More...
Dear Cheely, Thats my personal experience, your Bull will go for a toss if you ride it in rain. I mean, your clutch is the one to be replaced soon. You might feel uncomfortable in riding the Bull if you keep riding in the rain (Hearing Noise from the break shoes and your Wheel liners). However, W Read More...
Guys, sorry for my delayed updates. I've been stuck with other priority tasks. Well, Neeraj, i guess you can revist your showroom where you bought your bull and show them your invoice and acquire the authorization letter to get the service done. You don't have to worry.
Commented on gunanadar's review
Dear death_racer, My kind suggestion is not to compare any other bikes with RE products. Especially with TB. I won TB 2005 model. I always get 35 kmpl in Bangalore city ride and i get 40 kmpl for sure during long ride. I've covered chennai to bangalore many times and tested adequately. It has b Read More...
Rated on astrasumit's review
Rated on giridhar81's review
Commented on giridhar81's review
Originator, Please think before you criticize the Indian Cruiser negatively. No bulleteers will tolerate. I am one of them.
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