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Member Since:Sep 14, 2008
0 MS Points
hi.. i am a fun loving guy..who wants to enjoy life after completion of work... thats weekends... and i am a photographer by choice not by profession... hahaha :D. shooting (rifle and camera)... modelling, treaking, music etc. etc.
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Media ki mediagiri
Reviewed General Tips on Media
I think media should learn 2 respect if not people, atleast their chair(authority). by addingji to thr name. Eg.Manmohan jiRead more...
Happy with it but not with earphones
Reviewed Apple iPod touch
Ya thats right. its a nice gadget to use as u can use internet as on the move with wifi which I feel the best thing and offcourse apple is known for its ipod Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
ya its..all my thoughts..which came after a long time.... thnks.... .. I hav sms review..on ghajini.. u can..see..in what mental condition are the public... on MS.. see the language they use... so I hate MS now... I joined..Mouthshut..coz I felt it wud be nice to speak ur mind out.. "freedom..of sp Read more...
Commented on amrita's review
ya its..all my thoughts..which came fom u.... thnks.... i admire SRK fo the person he is... and even if i am a Big fan of SK dnt like all his movies... but will surely say he is a gentleman.... i wont even waste my enegy on commenting on Aamir... gud luck..amrita.... i hav sms review..on ghajini.. u Read More...
Rated on amrita's review
Followed Diana_Williams , Manish235 , mssuji , ajeet15 , partywithneha
i freak out when some remakes and copies and so called inspired from hollywood film and bad avatar of some books.. release.. is this the end of brand new thoughts of indian cinema ??..while films like a wednesday, mumbai meri jaan, aamir... are being made...more Read more...
Commented on ipspati's review
aee sahi bolti tu....... :) i havnt seen it but not intrested in ..coz i freak out when some remakes and copies and so called inspired from hollywood film release.. is this the end of brand new thoughts of indian cinema ??..while films like 'a wednesday', 'mumbai meri jaan', 'aamir'... are being m Read More...
Rated on ipspati's review
Followed nicegirl
..continued from YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds (Rs.650) a month to, see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, Read more...
(Updated Dec 26, 2008)
A Letter to Every Indian - APJ Published by uttishthata July 6th, 2007 in APJ Abdul Kalam The President of India DR.. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam s Speech in Hyderabad . Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are su Read more...
Followed arunroy , ahlam , Kweldebs
do you believe in Ghosts..? if not.. then you should not believe in God either... for the basic reason that they both dont exist... atleast I beleave they both dont exist... its just a corner of our brain which has two contrast thoughts.. one of which manipulate the other.... what say..??? pl Read more...
Followed Sidz_B
Rated on mouls's review
Commented on hermit's review
nice..review..but..no more remakes..copies..and..adaptations plz.. dont they have a mind of their own..to create films than taking color xerox
Rated on hermit's review
(Updated Dec 18, 2008)
Someonekilled his girlfriend.. Andnow he is searching for the killer… Andthen a time came when u got to know that he himself is the killer… Noprizes for guessing…him Hint: ‘ In this case ‘he’ is Aamir in Ghajini…. ‘ Read more...
Followed meenal_s , udaya_valli
Commented on jennie_s's article
hi i dnt know bout the teasing part..coz that is done on personal level but.. ya boys die to hear from girls to ask thm out or on a date..or just share a moment..or dance.. atleast for coffee once in a blue-moon.... why girls hesitate to do so..
Why girls can't tease...
Followed sweetishita , puja1396 , jennie_s , aditi009 , El_Diablo
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