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Member Since:Nov 25, 2013
0 MS Points
Founder, GoldenTwine Informatics, Entrepreneur, website designer and developer, Internet marketer, social media enthusiast, blogger. Social Media Presence: http://xeeme.com/SubratoPaul Started his career in computers in late seventies. By early eighties, he was first Manager (Training & Systems) and then promoted as Training Consultant at Ahuja Consultancy and Computer Centre, a prestigious name in the field of Computer Education in Delhi, conducting PG Diploma courses in Computer Science in Collaboration with Delhi Productivity Council. As City EDP Manager, he was in the core team of United Database India Pvt Limited who introduced Yellow Pages in India for the First time in 1987. He served as EDP Manager at Modi Cement Limited, one of the top Industrial groups in the country. Then he worked abroad in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for almost a decade as Project Coordinator for Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation. On returning home from abroad he founded an e-Company - GoldenTwine Informatics with a mission to spread computer education, and helping especially unemployed youth to make a handsome income online, and become a net-preneur. Having taught in many Institutes of repute like Delhi Productivity Council, Priyadarshini Institute for Computer Aided Knowledge, and Computer Point, the noble cause of spreading computer literacy is very close to his heart. With growing unemployment in India, fate beckons you to be a net-preneur.
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Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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You are blessed. They constantly harass me with DNS hacking for smartbytes. Is it justified to promote a product or service by hacking? Moreover, for the last few days, the broadband connection is tripping every 5 minutes. Last night, it kept on tripping from 11 pm to midnight. To me Airtel is a hac Read More...
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