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Member Since:Apr 27, 2016
50 MS Points
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FOGG ka chutiyapana..........
Reviewed Ten Worst Television Commercials
How can one have such a idea of making so senseless commercial. When we watch one of your favourite film, TV show and suddenly theres a break and the adRead more...
Reviewed Game of Thrones
GAME OF THRONES. At the starting this TV serial seem to me what they are showing this on the silver screen when I used  to watch their TV commercials. First IRead more...
Reviewed Deadpool
Really cant believe a R-RATED movie can make a such a huge fan base and lots of cash on the box-office. All credits go to MARVEL. Well all the Marvel faRead more...
Worst of 20th century fox...
Reviewed Fantastic Four (2015)
Well. I didnt expect such a bad presentation from 20th  century. I had a hope that the reboot will refill the craze of FANTASTIC  4. It  just made MARVERead more...
90's kid generation..
Reviewed The Jungle Book (2016)
Well. The film banged at the box office because of large density of 90s kid.all 90s kid. And even the elders including our parents love mogli verRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on manan4104's review
CAPTAIN's personality is very patriotic but VARUN DHAWAN has totally ruined it's personality.. I really recommend all to watch movie in English language only because Hindi dubbing doesn't suits the situations and conditions which are plotted in the film.
Commented on own review
Its the best action-comedy uptil now. From now onwards most of the X-MEN movies will be R-RATED only. The next WOLVERINE movie as per rumors will be R-RATED only because of the huge success of DEADPOOL
Commented on varuncool's review
I think bollywood is now getting a better taste of horror movies
Rated on alokjava57's review
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