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west bengal
Member Since:Feb 10, 2016
506 MS Points
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Reviewed Tere Bin Laden : Dead or Alive
As we all know that the recent comedy film Tere bin Laden dead or alive is a sequel of the film Tere bin laden. But personally I fell sorry for this film. I eRead more...
The new age superhero
Reviewed Deadpool
Marvel known for their superhero movies. They add another leaf in their big tree by releasing Deadpool, a X-men series film. unlike other superhero movies thiRead more...
Not worthy
Reviewed LoveShhuda
If you have lot of time in your hand.and do not have anything to do.getting bored at home.then only you can go for the movie. Nothing special in this movie. ARead more...
NEERJA: Flawless
Reviewed Neerja
As we all know that the movie based on the life of Neerja Bhanot, purser for Pan Am who was shot at while saving life of three children, . The story is all abRead more...
Confusing love story -FITOOR
Reviewed Fitoor
One should expect the movie is all about a very good love story after watching its trailer and knowing that it based on the novel GREAT EXPECTATION, But afterRead more...
Not so good for long term
Reviewed Ponds Men Energy Charge Face Wash
Ponds known as one of the biggest brand of cosmetics. like other products of ponds this also launch market with a bang, advertised by film star but the producRead more...
Sanam re: not a perfect valentine gift
Reviewed Sanam Re
In this valentine week, every one expecting  something special, heart touching story of romance but director Divya Khosla Kumar let down our expectation. persRead more...
GHAYAL once again makes it mark
Reviewed Ghayal Once Again
As all we know that the film is a direct sequel of 90s film ghayal. In this movie sunny Deol plays the role of Ajay verma, one of the reporter of satyakRead more...
AIRLIFT: The Sensational
Reviewed Airlift
The new year starts with a bang with the movie ARILIFT, with an amazing performance of Akshay kumar. The movie is all about the Indians in kuwait. It is an hiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Commented on anurag2016's review
The ram is bit low for games......by the way nice review
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