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Member Since:Jan 06, 2005
0 MS Points
My name is Krupa. I study in Indian High School. My ambition is to be a journalist as I like reading, writing, to travel, to meet people and it is not a routine job. My mother and grandmother are my role models and Ilove them. . My intrests are reading, drawing and cooking. Also listenning to music. My main hobby is reading and by now I have read bout fifty books. I also love drawing, colouring and painting. I have won many certifacates for Drawing competitions. I also love cooking. As a matter of fact Ihelp my mother. The things which iI make myself are tea, coffee, ommelete etc. I listen to music but I don't sing.
About Me
Education: at present in Middle School
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Reviewed Pepsi
Hi all members, How are you all? I am fine. I drink Pepsi but rarely as it is harmful for our body. I say not only pepsi but all fizzydrinks and soft drinks Read more...
Reviewed Five Best Places to Shop for Books
I am Heidi. I like reading books and I am 10 years old. So all ten years listen I will give a list of books pls read it:- The Naughtiest girl series- Enid BlRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on trickledropz's review
It is a gr8 review. I liked it. It has come use to many Xth standard students. U helped many tensed students. Pls write a review on how to study each subjects without going for tutions. Every children are going for tution which makes their parents waste money. Pls do write. Also write many other rev Read More...
Followed trickledropz , soni_pari , vash1993
Rated on trickledropz's review
Rated on asubui's review
Rated on sjayant's review
Commented on sjayant's review
You r right itis boring. At first Ayushmaan was sweet. But now i think he has become ugly. Even though it has a different topic, it is boring. Heidi, {krupa}
Followed mariner2
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Followed Justin_Blake
Commented on Mavis's review
Pepsi tastes good but it is not good for health. Please read my revu on Pepsi. The title:Pepsi #Krupa
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