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Member Since:Sep 16, 2009
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Was meeting held on Nov 15th ?
Reviewed City Limouzines
I am an investor from Chennai. I came to know from one of the investors from Chennai that he received a intimation letter from VN Associates for the meeting sRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rainaquaocean's review
Could some one send Manohar Lohia's contact number to my mouthshut email ?
Commented on uzair_khaishgi's review
I was going through the official website of the Mumbai high court. I could see that there is a case coming to court on Jan 5th 2010. The number of cases on Masood is keep increasing... A case on top of a case etc... I had little hope to get our money, but seems the things are going worse. Unless Mas Read More...
This is Masood's Cell no. 9820095897. I don't think he will pick the phone. Try your luck. I will give another cell no. 9892200888, this is Advocate Virendra Mourya's number. If you speak in Hindi he would give some info. Do not forget to update mouth shut after talking.
Commented on djkhanijon's review
I do not think we need to trust this uncertain news such as office is going to be opend on Nov 15th. If they have such a plan they should (have) very well publish(ed) in their official website. We had been hearing that on Nov 5th offices are going to be opened... now 5th and 6th also passed and now Read More...
This is Mr. Masood's contact no.9820095897. I don't think he will pick the phone. I tried couple of times, but no response. Good luck to you !
Commented on grekha's review
Hi pamela501, Do not refer the agreement. There are some proxy forms in the city limouzines official website and proposal of how the settlement would be made. It is classified as Class A and B investors in those proxy forms only.
Hi grekha, I am seeking your help here as you are going to attend the meeting. My Concern here is I have invested in a scheme last month for which I have not received even single penny. I availed a loan and invested here. If the money would be paid in 12 equal months for this kind of recen Read More...
Commented on ChennaiCustody's review
I have not filed any complaint either. We some of our friends and some more people in my link have decided to wait untill we hear the meeting results. There are so many investors like us have not yet filed any complaints. The 5000/7000 complaints what the police has received is very very less. There Read More...
Commented on richards's review
I am a investor in Chennai. I called Pune office as Chennai office was closed. Mr.Ajit at Pune office picked up the phone and asnwered my questions. I asked why Chennai office is closed, he said that there was some threat to the staffs. I asked why Mr. Massod did not even give any message to the inv Read More...
Commented on itsme57's review
There is no official communication - This is what concerns us a loooot. We are telling there is a meeting on 7th October, but don't have any proof about this meeting and the date.. It again concerns a lot and don't know how far we can believe this date and wait until 7th.
Commented on m_khalique's review
I visited Chennai office. It was kept closed, many investors were talking in groups in the premises. There were medias and Plicemen. Investors were deciding to go to Commissioner office and thru him/her we wanted to find out whether Mr. Masood is reachable and whether we could get some real picture Read More...
Commented on sensenbrain's review
I was reading Mumbai mirror. It says Masood gave a statement like.. Court has given some instruction and they will have to restructure their payment process. Also They are going to meet on October 7th. Could some one confirm whether this statement is true and really given by Mr. Masood. ?
Commented on jamela31's review
I was reading the case detail (Case no.1416) in the Supremecourt website. It looks like the case judgement is already made and the date is on 4th Aug 2009. One of the statement says that they can continue to run the business and the investigators can continue their investigation and the co. should c Read More...
Commented on own review
annuviswanath, Thanks for your hoping words. Please update me about the outcome of your meeting.
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