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Member Since:Feb 22, 2014
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Delay in Delivery, Bannerghatta.
Reviewed House of Hiranandani - Bangalore
As one can see from the list of posts here, there has been undue delay in delivery of properties at Bannerghatta. I am sure the case may be the same for the rRead more...
A Failed Attempt to Remake A Classic
Reviewed Snow White
Recently, I had the opportunity to see Disneys newest live-action re-imagining of Snow White, released on March 21. I grew up a Disney fan, and I will aRead more...
Commented on jammy1104's review
This gentleman has no idea on who is constructing where. All products with the brand name Hirandani, does not guarantee the same level of quality.
Commented on humble_citizen's review
WE need to come together, join us on the face book page.
Commented on customer211's review
Join us on the face book page, if you do not want to see this project being auctioned by bank. Read the entire article on HIRCO, Panvel. They do have a face book page also
Commented on ARSG's review
Join us on the face book page, we need to join hands. HIRCO Panvei is now being autioned by the bankers. The property in Bangalore is financed by Axis Bank, and they do have the first charge on this property. So unless we join hands and come together we may end up loosing our property. Do agree Read More...
Rated on ARSG's review
Commented on skvjain99's review
Looks like you have a lot of spare cash and do not mind, holding on even though there is delay. We must agree that investors have nothing to worry about, but remember, there is a satuaration point for very product in the market.
Commented on gaureshkamble775's review
The Banagalore project has been diaster, failed commitment, failed time lines, very high delays, etc. All the money has been collected, as of now only the shell is ready, it will take another 15 to 18 months to complete this project. Hiranadani Panvel, is being aquired by bankers now, we just ho Read More...
Rated on gaureshkamble775's review
Commented on ajaypimple7865's review
What a disaster of a project, Equal diaster in terms of Customer service too. Surprised on how you can come to this opinion, either your are dumb or have been paid for this. If you did buy a property, do you still have the same opinion, if not join the face book page, we need to come together to Read More...
Commented on snaik693's review
Join the face book page
Commented on Rag_insight's review
Join the face book page, we need to come together
Commented on reetkaur_84's review
Commented on radhikajain63's review
Join the face book page, we need to come together on this
Commented on ktkrishna's review
Join the face book page, we need to join hands
Commented on Murali_Rao785's review
Join the facebook page, we need to join hands
Commented on rajaneeshshetty's review
Rajneesh, Join the Facebook page as we need to join hands now
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