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Member Since:Jun 14, 2016
1120 MS Points
I am Subir Ghosh
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Not Up to Expectation
Reviewed Sonata Watches
Because of regular advertisement in Facebook I decided to try SONATA wrist watch. Well I am very fancy about wearing wrist watches. I bought the watch one moRead more...
Two Stars
Reviewed HRX
This is my first purchase from HRX. Well The Pent looked very attractive in the advertisement, as it was done by none other our Greek God. I used it for one Read more...
The worst Application I ever used.
Reviewed Playment
I Installed this application as I found it on youtube . I believed about what the video showed me . I registered into the application . First the app providedRead more...
Best budget Phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 4A
At firat I would like to say that this mobile phone is best budget phone . I baught this mobile phone aproximateky 29 days ago . Just in aproximalty â‚ą6000 thiRead more...
Reviewed Khadi Natural Hair Serum
Khadi natural hair serum is a worthless hair product I ever used. I used it continuous 3 months but I didnot find any positive result of using this product. ERead more...
Its just a wastage of money....
Reviewed Micromax Funbook Mini P410i
I have using this micromax funbook Mini p41 since 4 months. This fun book has lots of features undoubtedly, but what is the benifit if those features are not Read more...
Wastage of money....with creating problems....
Reviewed Wild Stone Perfume
In my bir vthday my friend gave me a wild stone perfume. It smells really good. After using of this perfume I d really get stuycked with some skin problems. IRead more...
Below my expectations.....
Reviewed Mohenjo Daro
When I saw the trailler of Mahenjo Daro, I thought it will be a epic. I am a big fan of Hrithik Roshan, I saw all of his movies but this movie disappointed meRead more...
Reason of my hair fall....
Reviewed Gatsby Hair Wax
One of my close friend recommend me to use gatsby hair wax. In the beginning it was very impressive. My hair looks stylish. After using 3 months I noticed thaRead more...
Dont ever buy from it....
Reviewed Bajaao
I ordered a acoustic guitar from this online shopping site bajaao.com. I ordered a yamaha c40 classical guitar. After ordering this guitar I waited for it appRead more...
Don't buy please..
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Lapbook L1160
Micromax canvas lapbook is nothing but a mess.After buying this laptop lapbook I feel so disgusted. There is some serious problem of this lapbook is, procesorRead more...
Below the margin....
Reviewed Love Ke Funday
Love ke funday is catagorised in those type of cinema, where comedy standard is below the margin but when we see the trailler of that movie we thought it is aRead more...
Below the expectation...
Reviewed Dishoom
When I saw the trailler of Dishoom, I think that it will be very interesting movie and I was very excited to see this movie in first day first show, but afterRead more...
Please dont buy, wastage of money..
Reviewed LYF Flame 1
I brought LYF Flame1 four months ago. In the begining it is not so bad but after using this mobile I found some serious problem of this cell.battery backup isRead more...
The wastage of money..
Reviewed Spice Mi-730
I brought this spice Mi-730 five months ago. At the very beginning of using this tablet I didnot find any disadvantage of it but with the time changes I foundRead more...
One word___useless .....
Reviewed Zest Soap
I have using this soap from 2months. Beleive me friends, it is not a good quality of sOap for use.  I find no positive result of it. the smell of this soap isRead more...
Not good at all.....
Reviewed Himalaya Protein Shampoo
I have using this product from 4 months. Himalaya is one of my favourite brand. Which is a believe they made it. Their products are very good to use and peoplRead more...
Not so good
Reviewed Micromax X099
It is true that this phone is very cheap. 1000 we are getting a mobile phone where there is the music player, camera, internet etc. But sometimes money is noRead more...
Reviewed Ringing Bells Freedom 251
Ringing Bell is one of the most fraud companies. When I heard about the mobile first time, I was too excited to explain. First time in my life I heard that Read more...
Duration of smell is less
Reviewed Layer'r Shot Deodrant
I am using this deodrant for last one months. With me my friend is also using with me. From this experiences, I am going to share you.First point is that theRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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