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Member Since:Jul 03, 2016
120 MS Points
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Reviewed Impractical Jokers
This show is awesome, it has a fantastic cast a nice plot , what else do you need, the show is mainly about 4 lifelong friends who compete to embarass each otRead more...
Nice Budget Phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
Hey, guys this phone is a awesome mobile phone at a budget with a great battery and the bidy is of metal aswell, theres a fingerprint scanner a nice display fRead more...
Reviewed Saiqa Restaurant - Park Circus - Kolkata
First of all its not a family place, you cannot take girls there aswell, its just a hotel for the people who all are not that well to do but have to eat outsiRead more...
Reviewed Motorola Moto G
This phone when came out was the best phone in the market, with a good specifications and long battery life, mine moto g lasted 3 yrs. And beleive me it was wRead more...
Must Watch Movie
Reviewed Blood Diamond Movie
I personally watched this movie 10, why? You will get to know after you watch it once.the story is about a fishermen, a diamond dealer, RUF ( people aganist gRead more...
Awesome Movie (Based on Real Life)
Reviewed Catch Me If You Can
This is a story of Fank william abagnale jr. , The story is just awesome and you are shocked after hearing that its a real story and that guy is real, the stoRead more...
Reviewed Royal Indian Hotel - Bara Bazar - Kolkata
I went there for the first time with my cousin bro, I am a foodie person I usually eat outside and I am gonna reveiw all of them, for the veiwers information.Read more...
Haters gonna hate read this reveiw for satisfacti
Reviewed Motorola Moto X (Second Generation)
Haters gonna hate no matter you give them a 100% fine product, This phone has many + points will give my opinion from the best to the worst, the best featureRead more...
Today i had food here :)
Reviewed Kera South Indian - Park Circus - Kolkata
This place is in such area where the same thing is presented to you in a fancy manner and charge you double triple than this hotel. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITSRead more...
Honest Reveiw
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6S Plus
Hey guys, This a 100% honest reveiw of iPhone 6s, you can read the reveiw if you are thinking of an upgrade from android to ios, Q and A.Format Q) .Why appRead more...
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
ISP SPEED- the speed is good sometimes but when you are using it then it will show his worth and make you cry. Customer support- worlds most disgusting suppoRead more...
Reviewed Flipkart
Flipkart is the only online shopping site I use because of their first impression that was awesome, the first thing I ordered was Moto G, I was scared whetherRead more...
Redmi 2 User since a Year (Honest Reveiw)
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 2
Hey guys, Redmi 2 is not good neither too bad it has a fair primary camera, secondary is just above average, the performance of the product is good as we comRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on himan1980's review
Rated on tarunmondol12's review
Commented on tarunmondol12's review
Lol are you a psychopath this movies was the worst movie of srk worst then happy new year I am a srk fan but mistake is a mistake! ??
Commented on johnvik120's review
The first xiaomi device was MI3 for your kind info ??
Commented on own review
Sorry for the typos guys google keyboard aint auto correcting in this app : /
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PawanAshar (@PawanAsharMouthShut Verified Member)
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Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Manoj Yellanki (@yellankimanojkumarMouthShut Verified Member)
saharia sagor (@sagorsaharia004MouthShut Verified Member)
Sayalee Agrawal (@SayaleeAgrawal258MouthShut Verified Member)
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