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Member Since:Jul 22, 2009
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Defective out of the box with refusal of replacem
Reviewed Motorola Defy+
I bought Motorola defy plus on march 2012. I opened it and started sign it. It is indeed a rugged phone. But it doesnt took for me to know that the phoRead more...
Received Order with defect.
Reviewed Infibeam
The phone I ordered found defective. I bought Motorola DEFY+ from Infibeam.com on 20th of march 2012. My order was shipped two days later and it reached on 24Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
hay @n_aditya_in there is one more condition that the talktime in your phone should me less than 30 minutes. It means you should have not used your phone to talk mote than 30 minutes. If it exides they will not provide the DOA. It is hard to believe but thats their policy. I hope you didnt used your Read More...
@gauravkkasera. Ya it is a torture. Its almost 13 days and I am not getting to use the phone.
@sharathcumar792 thanks for the comment. Motorola people do have a policy of non replacement for talk time exceeding 30 min. I am speaking with them about this. I have contacted Infibeam about the replacement and they have picked up phone. Hoping to have my phone before this week ends.
I am still speaking with them about my replacement. Noting can be said before that. I don’t want to conclude my review as being cheated.
Commented on piyush90's review
I have purchased the same phone. Placed on 20th of March but received on 24th on the same month. But I received the phone with defect.
Rated on perikaebby's review
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