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Member Since:Jul 31, 2007
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Tesco Deals puts me on Heels
Reviewed Tescodirect
Tesco has lots of summer deals at the moment. Online shopping has made easy to shop what you want at the push of a button. My long wish of buying a branded qRead more...
Manage Your Work or Your work will Manage You
Reviewed Effective Time Management at Work
After a sunny weekend coming back to office on Monday - O God you would think why there is something called Monday why is that all days are not Fridays ? Do wRead more...
Distantance Education at IMT
Reviewed Institute of Management Technology (IMT) - Ghaziabad
Like everybody else, I too had a dream of becoming a management graduate and like everybody else I am one of the unfortunate who could not make due to personaRead more...
Climbing up the ladder
Reviewed Dealing with Tough Times at Work / Job
I am sure every employee keeps waiting for his promotion at least once in a year so that he can climb one step in the ladder. But there are very few fortunateRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Paul, Interesting milk man story. finds a better suit for anology of stock market. I think its not just gambling, its how much risk you want to take as a return of investment on your stocks. Some learn the trade tips and tricks, while others keep trying to find how to play the game. Byt the tim Read More...
Rated on envyram's review
Rated on indian1969's review
Rated on flyingelephant's review
Hi Paul, It was very nice and at the right time for such a review.
Rated on ashishkalag's review
Rated on diver's review
Commented on diver's review
Hi Tennyson, EXCELLENT review. I have been busy and haven’t been able to yet. Your review was informative and inspiring me to watch it at the earliest.
Commented on ajjis's review
a very nice review with a hint of story line. Thanks, will comment more after reading the book.
Rated on ajjis's review
Commented on envyram's review
Cool, very inspiring to use office 2007. Microsoft has been primarily targeting the user experience. That’s the reason it still stands out in spite of being Microsoft windows with bugs where mere re starting solves half the problems. That’s also the reason why people buy their products as its simple Read More...
Followed AnjulaRana
Commented on own review
of course you can, but prefer you to buy one for yourself so that we can play together.
Even I have noticed what you have said. If you look at it we (INDIA) is GREAT in terms of geographical stretch, we are GREAT in terms of population, we have GREAT scholars, we have GREAT natural resources, we had GREAT institutions like Nalanda and Dakshashila, we have GREAT scientist, and I can thi Read More...
Commented on hakoonamatata's review
Ateesh, To be honest i was of the assumption that maps were used only for finding directions but was never aware of so many other uses. Thanks for this. As you rightly said this generation students dont have to search for places in oxford atlas which is time consuming and no option to zoom it. I Read More...
Followed ajjis
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