After a sunny weekend coming back to office on Monday - O God you would think why there is something called Monday why is that all days are not Fridays ? Do we know why we think like this ? We always assume Mondays are stressful, beginning of the week and hence there will be lots of work.
like mountain of files that needs be addressed, fire fighting meetings and you can see people running all around like a headless chicken not knowing what to do next.If you take a step back and think on it all you will find is Monday is no different from other days. In effect, every day is like Monday and there is always going to be fire fighting work.
So, does that not leave you stressful ? You can come out of stress if you follow few simple tips. Plan your work for the day and work your plan for the day. Identify and understand if the activities are really urgent (I mean fire fighting work) or if they can wait
Take deep breath before you start just to re vitalise and help you focus on the work. Be sincere as time is money (some one is paying for your and you are earning for your valuable time)
Follow a routine. By doing this all days will be like Fridays as you can manage your work if you dont, your work will manage you. The choice is yours :-)