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Member Since:Aug 13, 2010
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A high end laptop at affordable cost
Reviewed Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG
My latest purchase is Acer Aspire TimeLineX 5830TG. Im a product designer and I use surface modeling software to get my work done. In a laptop my primarRead more...
Beware of Girias Kammanahalli
Reviewed Girias - Bangalore
Yesterday my friend and I had been to Girias, Kammanahalli. My friend wanted to buy a whirlpool semi-automatic washing machine. While viewing the display piecRead more...
The short sightedness of mouthshut.com
Reviewed Mouthshut
I tried adding honest reviews that would help others. When I tried to add information about a product/service on mouthshut, it is filtered by their inbuilt loRead more...
Columbia Asia (Hebbal) Review
Reviewed Columbia Asia Hospital - Malleshwaran - Bangalore
This is my first review on mouthshut. Though I used to read reviews on mouthshut but didnt bother to write review about my experiences with any businessRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on own review
@caretaker you moderated my comments and removed all those swear words. But someone here is boasting that I surrendered and all those $hit... I'm not going to respond to any more comments after this, because never in my life I've abused someone as @kdrocks. Reason? to teach him a lesson. People shou Read More...
@kdrocks Now scram, old man, before I scare you into losing all control of your bodily functions - assuming that you ever had any. Whatever filthy you say would mean nothing to me coz ''YOU ARE LESS THAN NOTHING TO ME'' Good day oops it’s already been a bad day for you :-(
@kdrocks I didn't agree you filthy... It's you who is begging sympathy from others to support you :-) It's you who's begging to comeout of this mess by blackmailing to delete your a/c:-) It's you who's begging something more from me by your idiotic comments... You can keep all the moolah with you, c Read More...
@kdrocks If you don't know something don't talk about it. Ethnography is not in context with what you said :-) Bad try.... May be when you die, the archaeologists would be surprised a different species has existed with the humans which seems not even nearer to the Palaeolithic age. @all over ther Read More...
@kdrocks I wont't even show my to U
@kdrocks You are such a sissy, you started this and you couldn't continue because u understood that u messed with a wrong person. From that time you are saying that you wanna stop being on MS, that's an emotional appeal to get more support. You actually used more abusive words and then you say that Read More...
@viratbond you guys are ganging upon me? oh god! I'm getting chills down my spine :-) Take a Break! The reason I didn't say anything about the recent comments above you is just because they were sensible. You seem to boast about your innovativeness in deflowering, but remember you don't have any ide Read More...
@jmathur I'm new to this and I didn't know that the CEO itself would respond to my query. Actually I was surprised when he replied back. Also, I didn't know about @caretaker and how to get clarification.
@amiqu Actually you are overreacting dude. Don't get sentimental, have a good day
@amiqu I ain’t overreacting and so do you stop being smarty. You don't say what I've to do coz I'll do what I wanna do. Pls remember If ketan is a veteran then it doesn’t mean new members are foot soldiers One more thing, you don't help a a new member, you just wanna put them down.
@amiqu I know that buddy, I didn't use any abusive words for the heck of it.. I was forced to do.. You can say that it's my mistake, but when you read all the earlier comments you can understand one thing for sure. I was very direct and the other one was subtle. I know there are no benefits from Read More...
@desigal, @amiqu this is not a fake ID, I'm for real. Though I registered on MS a long time ago, I started adding reviews recently. One of the reasons I didn't contribute much earlier was I didn't know there was an option to add a product and I've already mentioned it earlier. Now, I ask you a si Read More...
@fenil_seta you mean nothing to me , just mind your business
@desigal You mean apologies to @kdrocks??? you should be joking. Actually he has to apologize for those nasty comments. What you mean ''I think we all know how to abuse.. don’t make us do that.'' anyways that was already proved in his earlier comments. stop threatening!
You are waiting for more? now everyone knows who you really are :-)
If you weren't affected you wouldn't have cried so much earlier and I won't get tired as long as you poke your nose. You got to UNBORN YOURSELF
@kdrocks oh yeah... you think everyone respects you? lol.. all of them feel an overwhelming sense of regret that they are related to you by species. You are worse than one of those fleas from supper club.And you don't talk about being faceless, I don't wanna show my face to a like you. By the way y Read More...
@kdrocks it's you who asked for the originality and now you are backing off :-).. and don't pretend that u r happy... I know my comments are giving you nightmare. coz that last one sounded like your 8 yr old sister made it up. ''You are a living proof of the exception to Darwin's law''
I don't have to show my face to you, cozZZZ you are a .I forgot to say something before, you are also a
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